Friday, May 09, 2008

DoF Friday Video Feed

From the comedic giants at comes this delightful little nugget.


Merton Sussex said...

I remember those rump-rangers from Quendelton. They used to come to my school on the weekends and hang around outside the student union trying to buy weed all smooth-like, but everyone knew what the fuck their game was. Shit, if my school had been all dull as dishwater like that, I would've needed something a lot stronger. Naw, man....MY school was a fuckin' BLAST.

Ha! I remember this one time? We pretended like we liked this one dick on a Q.U. sweatshirt, and invited him to this wicked bash? He tried to play it off all cool, but you could tell he was giddy like a schoolgirl 'cuz he'd never been to a real party before. Anyway, Jack has some of these roofies left over that his older brother used to use to bag chicks he had no chance with otherwise, so we slid one into this douchebag's cup and then dumped a bunch of this really toxic wapatuli "Stinky" used to brew up on top of it. Fuckin' worked like a charm! One cup later, that pussy was passed out. So we drew a bunch of dicks on his face, stripped him down to his piss-stained tighties and tossed him in Tank's car trunk. The plan was we were gonna drive him out to some field and leave him there, but we got pulled over a few miles off campus by this fuckin' asshole cop and Tank got busted for DUI 'cause he had like six cups of the 'wap before he started driving, and that shit was just LOADED with 151. And 'cuz the rest of us were pretty hammered, too, they towed his car to the impound lot and we had to walk back to the dorms. That fuckin' sucked!

I went to bail Tank out the next day, and I remember when we went to go get his car back we couldn't. I guess the registration was fucked up somehow and because he owed like WAY more in parking tickets than the car was worth at auction, they had it hauled off and crushed in one of those big junkyard things that can turn a Lincoln Continental into an ashtray in like eleven seconds. It was like a MONTH of saving up beer money before Tank could buy another car again, but that's cool.

Good times, good times.

Anonymous said...

A symphony sir, with equal notes beautiful and silence.

Anonymous said...

Why my alma mater is better than QU:

1. No commercials

2. Rather than let students leave on weekends they confiscated the license plates from all cars forcing students to stay on campus most of the time…

That's it, really.

Reno Gruber said...

That video hardens me with comedic delight.

Reno satisfied.