Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Single song sinks mankind in 3:39

Reno Gruber Reports

How can you not enjoy the juxtaposition of the slow reprise melody and the lyrics??


Merton Sussex said...

I am legitimately flabbergasted that things have actually gotten this bad. I really am. I mean, if that song is a spoof, it's brilliant...No question. But I get the sense that it's not. And that makes it perhaps the saddest thing I've ever heard on more levels then I'm prepared to deal with.

Reno Gruber said...

Its not a joke, and i'm pretty sure anyone who relates to this song should be sequestered to a bathtub of battery acid.

Merton Sussex said...

In that case, I'm just as shocked as you are. Irony is truly dead. Because if this ISN'T a spoof, it outstrips actual mockery, rendering it completely meaningless, and trumping it with a reality FAR more ridiculous.

Apparently, the last nail in the coffin of irony is unintentionally hysterical, ridiculously unconscious self-parody.

Reno Gruber said...

hahaha, well put.

He's looking at you, maury povich audience.

Anonymous said...

I will have revenge on the bastard that made me soil my ears by clicking on that video. O humanity! How lost thou art!

Anonymous said...

Super classy. I'm sure their parents are so, so proud.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who's put off by this song is only feeling that way because they're afraid that they are going to be subjected to dick-sniffing paranoia every time they come home late.

Anonymous said...

Just let her do it. If you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?