Thursday, July 02, 2009

The Intellectual Scrapheap: Not-So-Deep Thoughts from the Mind of Blaine Fridley

With the advent of hands-free Bluetooth Technology, it's getting increasingly difficult to decipher whether or not someone's having a normal phone conversation or just completely out of their fucking mind.
(Left) Crazy or just conversatin'? You make the call!

Conversely, it's made it super easy to identify a douchebag when you see one.
(Above) The mark of the douche.


barry metropolis said...

Really? Do you really have that much to do with your life that you need both hands to do it WHILE you're talking on your cell phone? I guess maybe the double-hand-job ski-pole move, but that's about it....

Anonymous said...

I agree. Phones are for business and booty calls, both of which can be arranged at home, or in ones spare time.

Anonymous said...

The first pic is hilarious. Buddy is rocking out!