Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weekend Wake-up Call: Health Care

By Blaine Fridley, MD
The "debate" (read: political pissing match - "Red Team's best! No, Blue Team's best! {slapfight}) has ramped-up over the last few months.

(Above)Republicans and Democrats debate healthcare reform.

And during that time, a lot - A LOT - of bullshit has been disseminated over the cable news networks (nice change of pace, yeah?) about the best health care option for our country.

In the end, it boils down to minor differences between the Red and Blue Teams on just how, exactly, they'll continue to allow the insurance bullies to steal our lunch money.

Obama's plan is less of a relief from said bullies than a mandate to give in to them - ie "everybody has to have it." No word yet on how the poorest of the working poor plan on obtaining the money to do that. Obama has casually and cryptically mentioned some sort of government assistance with that, just not any real ideas.

The Republican ideas are just as bad, but they lack the President's (admittedly effective) egalitarian language.

Their-ahem-differences, though, have inspired painfully hilarious remarks like this bellylaffer from the King of Comedy, RNC Chair Michael Steele:

BAAAaHAHAHAHAHA! Motherfucker doesn't even waste 1 second on set-up, he goes straight for the big yuks from the moment he opens his mouth:

"We don't allow one man to roll the dice with our entire nation"

Allow me to retort:

Per usual, about the only person thinking and speaking logically about this from within our government is Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich (the man who could be president if we could all just resist the urge to pinch his cheeks, tussle his hair and carry him around in our pocket, periodically feeding him Pepperridge Farm Goldfish).

He recently proposed an amendment to the healthcare bill giving individual states the right to create their own single-payer system if there's public support for it. And, as you'll see in this interview with DemocracyNow!'s Amy Goodman (the best g-damn journalist alive) there is plenty.


Tajmccall said...

Kucinich and Paul are the only politicians out there making sense, and its because they frankly, have no true ties to their elected parties anymore. Many times they co-sign the same vital bills, such as the extremely important "audit the fed" bill.

Those are the only two men in Washington I respect. Big ups on the article.

Merton Sussex said...

Fuck you, GOP. If you think you still have an OUNCE of credibility left where the economy is concerned, then check your poll numbers. Better yet, check your election results. There's a reason you turd-breath dick-smacks have been reduced to the status of whipping boys, and you brought it all upon yourselves.

barry metropolis said...

Amy Goodman always looks like she just got back from a funeral.

Kucinich is the shit. The end.