A man died after his car plunged 600 feet off the edge of the Grand Canyon's South Rim, authorities said Tuesday.
The Arizona park's regional communications center received several reports of a car driving off the edge about 6 a.m. Monday, according to a written statement.
"Upon arriving at the scene, investigators found tire tracks leading to the edge...and received reports of a single occupant in a blue passenger car driving over the edge," the statement said.
Rescue personnel descended on ropes and found the vehicle about 600 feet into the canyon. The man's body was recovered shortly afterward, the statement said.
The man has not been identified.Hey, that's an easy mistake to make. Some of us hit potholes, some of us skim a little too close to curbs...And apparently, still others of us are such gormless dolts that we absent-mindedly navigate our vehicles into crevasses so vast, they're visible from outer fucking space.
Apparently, authorities have not yet ruled the death a suicide. But for the victim's sake, it had better have been. Because if not, I'm incredibly surprised he possessed to mental capacity to have survived to the age where it was possible to attain a drivers' license.
Do any of the reports mention the driver pulling his car to a stop, getting out, then looking down and having his eyes bug out like dinner plates before scrambling to get back into the car as they began plunging to their doom?
If so, I'd hope that a top-down perspective video would have shown the man's car hurtling downward with a slight outward arc (while making a whistling sound of descending pitch) before eventually kicking up a tiny "O" of dust upon impact.
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