Wednesday, July 22, 2009

They Took Our Jobs!

If I didn't know any better, I'd say Obama was a gooback and the South Park residents at this town meeting are a little miffed. Oh well. Derka dur.

"I think we should all stand up and pledge allegiance to that flag"? What the fuck is up with that? Are we in third grade? Jebus.

And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm fr--*cue shotgun blast to the temple*


Merton Sussex said...

"Birthers" are a special kind of stupid. Trying to get the president disqualified on a technicality that's been disproven a thousand times over just because they don't like him is the province of retards.

Argue him on his policies and platforms if you don't agree, but for chrissakes, this birth certificate shit is the apex of ridiculous. And I'd be saying the same thing if it were fringe-lunatic Democrats railing against McCain having been born on American dirt in Panama.

blaine_fridley said...

notice how she shouts "under GOD!"?


amazing how people don't tell cunty magoo to stop wasting their time, but actually join in.

also, that zip-lock bag she kept her birth cert in didn't look like a "yellow and blue make green" seal. it's going to spoil that way. big dummy.

Frank White said...

I saw a comment thread recently (HuffPo I believe) where someone invoked Occam's Razor in defense of questioning the president's citizenship.

The logic was essentially 'they aren't releasing his long form certificate and keep fighting our (frivolous) lawsuits, therefor they have something sinister to hide and our wacky assumptions are automatically correct.'

Sorry, but the simplest explanation is almost never "massive conspiracy." Especially when the conspiracy is decades old and involves lots and lots of people for the express purpose of making sure a specific newborn can someday become president.

Unless he is literally the Antichrist, the Illuminati would probably have just chosen a different baby.

As far as the whining about how the administration won't play ball: why on Earth would they. This whole issue just makes Obama's opponents look nuttier, and if he ever threw them a bone (even just to get them off his case, which it almost certainly wouldn't do) it would merely hurt him politically.

Tajmccall said...

The Illuminati has Blanket, Michael Jackson's first born pegged for supreme ruler in 2020.