Where things get really interesting is in the realm of music. Using the same techniques, the artists created the most and least wanted songs possible. The most wanted song, not surprisingly, sounds like a focus tested shitstorm: a light, Jazz-fusion song about love with an inoffensively rocking guitar solo. It sounds like the shit I have to listen to against my will every time I take my headphones off at the office.
The least wanted song is clearly where the action is: a 20+ minute epic involving cowboys, politics, advertising, children, and whiplash inducing changes in pace and volume. All brought to you by the soothing sounds of bagpipes, tubas, accordions, children, and rapping opera sopranos. It sounds like the wails of the damned if John Waters was in charge of Hell.
I listened to the entire thing, and am going to do it again after I finish writing this.
Abandon all hope, ye who right-click here and select 'saveith-as.'
it really doesn't take that much scientific research to find the world's worst song.
i'm just saying, these guys would've saved themselves a lot of time by just throwing a dart at a list of nickelback songs.
They could have just used three words.
I would much rather listen to the "worst song" than either of those "bands."
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