No punch line a-comin'.
As you know, we here at the DoF never spare the snark, sass, flack and/or guff when it comes to lambasting pop culture ass clowns.
And Tyler Perry - thanks to his stereotypical, formulaic and oppressively omnipresent shite - has definitely been spared none of the above in our brief history.
That said, he is also incredibly awesome.
Several weeks ago, you may have heard about a private Philadelphia swim club turning away a group of black and Latino daycare kiddies, despite the fact that the day care had already payed the $1,950 for the kids to be there.
Seems nobody in Philadelphia got the memo that Obama defeated racism and it's a "post-racial"* society now.
*dumbest term ever.
Apparently, fearing that the "coloreds" might cause a day of Lilly-white poolside leisure to blow-up in gang violence, they where shown the door by club President John Duesler, who, in interviews with Philly TV stations, explained the kids had "changed the complexion" and "atmosphere" of the club.
Quite the Dukian slip there, Johnny-boy.
In steps Tyler Perry.
He reads the same story.
He says, "that's fucked up."
He delivers all 65 kids to Disney World for a weekend.
Nicely done, Mr. Perry.
Still searching for something terrible to say...ok i can't. Good job sir. Way to spend your ill-gotten money in the right way.
You're still going to comedy hell, though.
I winder if he'll release the video?
Tyler Perry Presents: "Tyler Perry's 'Tyler Perry' Disneyland trip, Featuring Tyler Perry (A Tyler Perry Film)."
I'll just bet'cha.
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