by Blaine Fridley, Gainfully Employed Underachieving College Grad
If at first you don't succeed, find someone to blame and sue them.
It's the modern-day American way. Well, that is if you make it off the couch to attempt to succeed in the first place.
For espousing this ideal and taking it to new heights of breathless retardation, Ms. Trina Thompson of The Bronx, NY is indeed, a Champion of Society.
You see, three months removed from her Monroe College graduation, Ms. Thompson is suing her Alma mater for the full cost of her tuition ($70,000) plus $2,000 in compensation for the stress endured from…
… not being able to find a job.
I'm fucking serious, duders.
And this despite a "2.7 GPA (in Business Admin.) and solid attendance" record!
And also despite a nuanced command of the English language, as showcased by quotes like this:
"They (Monroe's Office of Career Advancement) favor more toward students that got a 4.0. They help them more out with the job placement."
Say, whaaa?
That's fucked up, Trina!
You're telling me your school would rather promote students that-ahem-"got" a 4.0?? They "help them more out?" WTF, Trina? Doubleyou. Tee. Eff.
But what about you? You (sometimes) showed up to classes AND (mostly) did the bare minimum required of you! If that doesn't qualify-nay-ENTITLE you to a spot in the American workforce of today, I don't know what does.
Read full story HERE
Source: CNN.com
Source: CNN.com
If she wins, I'm totally going after my MIAC college, and then the Ivy League one that turned me down. Yeah, I've got a job, but those institutions let me spend four years on an English Lit. degree, the third most useless degree to get (after History and Women's Studies). Fer chrissakes, I'm a graphic designer now, and I never took one freakin' class for that. And you know what, not one employer has asked (or cared when I inevitably blurted it out) about my reading Ulysses, translating the Aeneid from Latin or done anything about how really the best a workplace can offer is a place in Purgatorio rather than the Inferno in the reckoning of Dante's Divine Comedy (these are not funny books, I'm gonna sue Penguin Books for false advertising).
Maybe Ms. Thompson should sign up for the Military instead.
I hope she gets sued for being a moron.
2.7. Dude, either you didn't try (lets hope) or you're the biggest dumb ass ever.
Either way, remove yourself from the gene pool.
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