A formal peace took hold in Indochina, ending more than seven years of fighting between the French and the Communist Vietminh, clearing the way for 20 years of fighting between the U.S. and Communist Vietminh.
Filled with hubris after a recent viewing of Rocky 4, President Ronald Reagan joked during a voice test for a paid political radio address that he had "signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."
Hahaha… Nuclear holocaust jokes about a country with 1,000s of warheads aimed at us? Hahaha…ohhh, Ronnie, you're just too outrageous, you kidder you!
The Mall of America, the biggest shopping mall in the country, opened in Bloomington, MN. Droves of travelers from across the globe soon made it one of the country's most popular tourist attractions, at one point taking over Disneyworld as the most visited.
A fucking mall.
Space Mountain? Psshh, don't be ridiculous Mom and Dad, Old Navy is waaay better! Also, I hate you.
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