Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Consumer Advocate with Blaine Fridley


N-n-n-no, baby! Hell naw! You got it all wrong... that stripper was just practicing a breakthrough fitness technique called "Dynamic Inertia", I swear!
Special thanks to DoF reader Akshun Jaxon for the vid!


Tajmccall said...

It my experience that girls are godawful at handjobs.

Sure, its nice someone else is steering this ship for a few minutes, but you get the sinking feeling they're just a bit too careless.

Now this? Having them sanction their motions into a hurried motion?

Lets just scratch off the handies ladies, go straight to blowies.


Katherine said...


Vanessa said...

I do not need to get into shape THAT bad. Hell to the no.

Merton Sussex said...

See, and the nice thing is, once you feel sexy, and slip into that hot sleeveless number? You'll have the confidence to pick up guys. And then you'll realize that the ShakeWeight not only gave you the self-image you'd need to pick 'em up, but also prepped you for a whole 'nother useful skill set for after that happens! It's a win-win!

Oh, and Taj - You just need to date women who know what they're doing. Take it from your ol' uncle Mert...Properly executed, a skilled handjob can be an exceedingly memorable experience. It's just that so few ladies give enough of a shit to take their time and do it properly. But when one does...?

Uh, excuse me for just a second. I'll be right back.