Thursday, August 06, 2009

Power of Music and the Pentatonic scale.

AKA Bobby McFerrin is a badass.

McFerrin shows his musical prowess yet again. No smart ass, i'm not talking about "Don't worry be Happy," although yes that song rules too.

World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.


Frank White said...

I got to see him conduct the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra once. During intermission he did an abridged version of the Wizard of Oz in which he played all parts.

It was pretty awesome.

Merton Sussex said...

That was cool as shit.

It just goes to show you, there really is something TO the idea of the Jungian "collective subconscious." I guarantee you that the entire audience wasn't musicians. But once you establish the intervals, people understand en masse where the next step is without having to be told. We've all experienced enough music to understand how these things relate to each other without having to think about them. Fucking fascinating, when you really think about it.

blaine_fridley said...


i actually had goosebumps.