Point is, even in a chaotic universe full of immeasurable entropy, once in a while two completely unrelated things will start dancing in unison. And whats even cooler is when it's happening across a great distance of time and/or space, and the two participants don't even realize it's happening. Such is the case with what I'm about to show you.
Following are two memetic viral videos. Chances are, if you've found THIS little corner of the internet, you spend a retarded amount of time online, and that means you've already seen them. Be that as it may, I'm posting them for reference and context regardless.
First up is the famous Bill O' Reilly "Fuck it! We'll do it live!" rant from his early days at "Inside Edition" that hit the tubes about a year back. It's pretty awesome, because it underscores that Bill O' Reilly's always been an inflammatory fuckmouth, but he only decided to be honest about recently. To date, it remains the only thing he ever HAS been honest about.
Refresh your memory:
Oh, Bill. Is there no BEGINNING to your charms?
Following that charming clip, I'd like to present to you this sad spectacle. Apparently, this young man is having trouble with some bullies at school. And while I empathize, I'm not exactly sure this video was the most effective way to dissuade their cruel criticism:
Poor kid. Maybe it would help if he laid off the lip gloss a little? Just thinkin' out loud, here. Don't shoot the messenger.
Anyway, I'm sure you can see what's coming.
Via the magic of video editing, some enterprising soul has decided to pour these two into a blender, thumb the "frappé" button, and then serve the world the smooth, creamy, refreshingly delicious result.
And what came out was one of the few things I've ever seen on the internet that actually made me laugh out loud.
Isn't life fantastic? I sure think so.
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