Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Great Moments in Fat History: The KFC Double Down.

The Colonel is trying to kill you.

He's not even trying to hide it anymore.

He wants you to die, and he wants you to die now.

How else do you explain his newest menu item - a bacon sandwich topped with a slice of pepper jack, a slice of swiss cheese and the Colonel's secret sauce**?


That doesn't sound too bad, you say?

In fact it sounds very similar to what you had for breakfast this morning, you say?


Oh, right!

That's 'cuz I forget something.

You know the bun?

It's been replaced.

With fried chicken.

Bite into the Double Down and say, "I hate me."

**Koala semen. It's true.


Askov Finlayson said...

Mmmm…koala semen. That hint of eucalyptus really sets it apart!

Frank White said...
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Anonymous said...

You guys can have the high ground on this one.

That thing looks delicious.

Tajmccall said...

Im eating that. So call it a split decision, Anon.

Anonymous said...

That's not really koala semen, is it?

blaine_fridley said...

"That's not really koala semen, is it?"

good question. it is not, in fact, koala semen. it's a cheaper corn syrup-based koala semen substitute.

Frank White said...

Yeah, they inject like three or four Koala sperms into there to make stupid people think they're getting the real thing, but it's not even close to the real spunk deal.