Thursday, August 13, 2009

We want healthcare! We want health--zzzzzzzzzzz

Finally, a protester we can all stand behind.
I wouldn't mind kissing that man between the cheeks.


Frank White said...

So was the lady off to the side with the (I'm assuming) Orwell referencing poster in a coma for the last decade?

Also, how come no one remembers that Orwell was himself a proud Democratic Socialist.

Also also, can Obama bring back some other shows while he's at it. I've got a list around here somewhere.

Katherine said...


Anonymous said...

Best show of all time… I lose a little more faith in America every time I try and wrap my brain around why that show was canceled.

Also, don't know that guy's particular affiliations, but good job making fun of those idiots who vote based on 1 or 2 peripheral (albeit "hot button") issues. Republican or Democrat, we should all take turns beating people who fall under this description. At least I think that's what he's doing.