Yesterday, you saw a post regarding an essential CNN report on cankles.
In that riveting, richly-detailed minute-and-a-half news package, cankles, unfortunately, were cast only in a negative light. Something to have liposuctioned away if you could just find the right unlicensed strip mall plastic surgeon unconcerned by the major nerve damage it most likely would cause.
But why?
What about those who have cankles and want to celebrate that fact?
What about those who say "I have canned hams where my ankles should be and I look fucking fabulous! If you've got 'em [cankles], flaunt 'em!"?
Well, luckily, that ever-growing (thanks to corn subsidies) niche consumer base is finally starting to be heard, and leading the way are the makers of the Cankle Bracelet. The fashion accessory for cankles!
Well, luckily, that ever-growing (thanks to corn subsidies) niche consumer base is finally starting to be heard, and leading the way are the makers of the Cankle Bracelet. The fashion accessory for cankles!

This guy wants his necklace back.
Good lord... it looks like Jimmy Deans glued on to a Christmas ham.
(Posted this in yesterday's thread. Seemed appropriate here, too.)
I just threw up a little.
Best idea ever! You gotta own your cankles if you got 'em! I just bought one for the sheer genius of it all.
Uh, wouldn't that just be the same as a necklace?
The cankle bracelet is fun for the whole family! Show off those cankles for a night on the town! Doubles as a necklace! You can even use it as a belt for children and young adults!
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