Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Breaking News

Hey, Everybody - Christian Bale's a DICK!

In American Psycho, he fascinated movie-goers with his untethered portrayal of Patrick Bateman, the serial-killing yuppie. In Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, he set the Caped Crusader standard. And in the Machinist, he like, got super skinny and stuff. But all of those characters are a mere footnote in the Bale filmography when compared to his most provocative and convincing role yet: World. Class. A-hole.

Per usual, the parasites at TMZ scooped everybody to bring you this exclusive audio recording of Bale in character:

(Click pic for audio. At work? Use headphones. The mean man says some naughty things.)

Indeed, his most plausible performance to date.

Seriously, though, Christian, EAT. A. DICK. In fact, in the words of Merton Sussex, eat ALL the dicks, you insufferable douche bag.

I know it's super stressful playing make believe for a living. THEN, add the indignity of getting paid a meager 10-mil. or so to do it, and well, life has definitely served up a bitter cocktail for you for to swallow. But lemons to lemonade, buddy. Lemons to lemonade. Brush it off.


An enterprising DJ has already turned this into a nice little ditty.


Frank White said...

Probably not the best idea to freak out on the DP. Pretty soon you'll have unflattering lighting and things dropping on your head.

Anywho, this is fairly tame compared to the video of the director of I Heart Huckabees having a swear fight with Lily Tomlin. (He starts chucking things and calling her a cunt.)

blaine_fridley said...

@ knarf: yeah, the Huckabees tirade was outstanding.

JR said...

You guys need to leave my boyfriend alone. He was having a bad day.

Anonymous said...

He's not a dick. He's just "intense."

Anonymous said...

Once the tirade reaches the 2-minute mark, I have a feeling this isn't about the DP any more. It's about Christian Bale. More accurately, it's about Christian Bale not loving himself. Wash away the hate, Batman. Wash away the hate.

Anonymous said...

Wow. As if I already needed another reason NOT to like Christian Bale. What a d-bag. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

It takes a bunch of balls to talk to any co-worker like that... let alone the DP. I loved American Psycho, but I was cool on both the new Batman movies... now I hate them, and I hate Christian Bale. If I ever see him, I'm going to pretend to not be impressed at all.

Anonymous said...

The truth comes out around minute 4... Bale says something like "Why are you trying to ruin my movie (or scene, can't remember)?" His eyes have become to big for his stomach... every role has the promise of being his biggest yet, and the only limiting factors are the idiots trying desperately to hold him back. Time to send him a message, Godfather-style.

Frank White said...

The remix video is pretty hilarious. I couldn't figure out why Streisand was there until the end where the DJ mentions that he is doing RuPaul's next album.

Now it all makes sense.... I guess.

Anonymous said...

I love that video! Hysterical.

I hope he feels like a real asshole after this.