Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hot Sh!t: Plantlife

Hand-picked hotness you need to check out. Or not. You know, like...whatever.

Today's Hot Sh!t: Plantlife - Time Traveller
Selected by: Blaine Fridley

OK, so released last spring, Time Traveller isn't exactly hot off the press… but mainstream press coverage has definitely been lacking since this beautiful electro-funk-hip hop-soul cocktail dropped on the general public in May of '08. Time Traveller is the 2nd full-length effort from  MC Jack Splash and producer Panda One, who hooked up for Plantlife's 2004 debut Return of Jack Splash. Return…   garnered much praise from some pretty big names upon its release: Mos Def, ?uestlove, Viktor Duplaix. You may have heard of them. They're a pretty big deal. 

Well, Time Traveller does nothing to push those much-respected titans of music off the Plantlife bandwagon. Shit, even those insufferable snobs at Pitchfork gave it a 7.9/10 (which, considering the fact that they'd probably give Pet Sounds a "5" had the Internet been around in 1966, is pretty damn good. Tangent: Pitchfork reminds me of some of the rimjobs I worked with during my college radio days. You know, the type that would earnestly claim Pedro the Lion's superiority over Led Zeppelin. I dunno, maybe Bright Eyes sounds better in your mom's basement, but from here it sounds like something that would be used to supplement waterboarding techniques and scrotum electrodes).

So, what's the best way to sum up Time Traveller? Music to feel good by. Whether it's the Quasimoto-tinged title track or the electro-funk jams that simply out-Prince Prince (especially "Love Toy" and "Outta Control," posted below for your aural pleasure), Plantlife lights up your iPod with the kind of unbridaled joy and creativity in short supply these days. 

Love Toy - Plantlife

Outta Control - The Plant Life

1 comment:

Channing Conjuctivitis said...

Thanks for the hot tip. For some reason Beyonce and Likin Park have lost their creative edge. I should go, Dane Cook's new special is on and I hear it's a hoot.