Fact: 78% of people consider the Snuggie a terribly stupid product.
Fact: 99% of people would gladly wear one in a cold basement if they knew nobody would ever know.
Well, that was before thesnuggiesutra.com.
Taking the armholes and presenting ideas for sex for the unusually cold or bashful just opened up sex sans night terrors for like 30% of people over 45 (yeah, we're obsessed with statistics here at the DoF.)
While this site is certainly a satire site, its effect will be legendary.
This could do for older women what Viagra does for my dad...gross.
Soon, we'll begin to reference it in every day conversation as required knowledge for this generation's pop culture lexicon.
Because, really. What woman doesn't want to try the Superwoman? Right now.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Diary of Fools A-to-Z Guide to Girls' Names, Volume 1
Throughout history, mankind has sought to use umbrella reasoning to typify certain types of people who all belong to a readily-identifiable subset, and then corral them into groups based on a shared trait or two. In its most egregious form, this type of thinking results in things like Apartheid, Kent State, the Klan, and the Holocaust. However, in its lighter forms, we end up with things like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator , campus Greek organizations, The Kiwanis, and hair-tearingly asinine "What C-List 'Simpsons' Character Are You?" quizzes on Facebook. I guess it's up to you to figure out which is worse.
However, there is always the exception that proves the rule. Sometimes, all persons who share a common aspect DO share common traits. And rarely is this more clear than when you consider people's names. As evidence of this, how often have we said, "He doesn't LOOK like a Chad," or, "I swore off of girls named Elizabeth"? It happens. And the reason it does is because our cumulative life experience teaches us that Chad is invariably a craven douche whose whole life's ambition is to never fuck a girl with a dress size higher than the age she started kindergarten, while Elizabeth is a high-maintenance twat who conveniently "forgets" to tell you she's splitting for a month to backpack across Europe, and then comes home with the clap. It's just TRUE.
Of course, the argument can be made that people with certain names tend to possess common facets because they're subtly nudged into the direction of them whether they want to be or not; but ultimately, that's a chicken-and-egg argument that more or less reinforces the point, if you think about it. You have a certain name, people expect you to act a certain way based on how other people they know with your name have acted. And so it comes to pass that it's just easier to fucking BE that way as long as they're going to assume you're going to be in advance. It's a vicious circle of self-fulfilling prophecy. So, while you might have turned out to be a respectable, pleasantly non-threatening, and possibly-gay CPA in a cardigan had your folks gone with "Charles"...they didn't. They thought "Jerry" would be better. So, instead, you're the only guy in the room who thinks you're hilarious, and you pick up checks like they're manhole covers. It may or may not be your fault, but we'll never know, will we?
It was while thinking about this that I realized I know a lot of women. A LOT of women. Some, even in the biblical sense. And it goes without saying that the above-mentioned phenomenon plays itself out pretty reliably based on my life experience. If it didn't...I wouldn't be writing this. So, I figured I might be able to get a spot of mileage out of imparting what I've learned regarding that. So I present unto you Part One of the Diary of Fools A-to-Z Guide to Girl's Names. In it, you'll find my boiled-down, overall impression of what the gals who've had these names have represented to me. I'm not gonna pretend I'm right about ALL of this, but I get the feeling that if you're inclined to look it over, you might just recognize a few chicks you know.
(Also, for a little added fun, I'll accompany each name with a photo example I found by punching that name into Google Image Search, and shamelessly stealing the result I feel best backs up my findings. But. In order to keep it interesting for you and me both, I'm going to go look for pictures only AFTER I've written the breakdown of the name. I say this only so that you, dear reader, can feel secure in the notion that I'm not just giving my impression of some anonymous internet woman's photo. That would be lazy. No, what's actually going to happen is that I'm gonna sketch out her personality profile, and then grab the first image result I see that makes me say, "See? That's the kind of shit I'm talking about right fucking there.")
So, without additional adieu, here is part one of my five-part A-to-Z guide of what you can expect when you run into the following females.
Ann is something of a wet blanket. She's cordal enough, sure. Nice, even. But she's completely inscrutable. She just never seems to get worked up about much, you don't know a lot about her, and she has a job you could never see yourself doing in a million years, or you'd kill yourself from the tedium. It's usually something terribly dry, utilitarian, and somewhat academic, like a librarian, or a lab tech. If she's out drinking with friends, Ann nurses a single gin and tonic, does not volunteer any conversation of her own volition, and the jokes that make everyone else at the table laugh uproariously? Ann just smirks, narrows her eyes and nods, bemused.
Ann is also usually vaguely religious, and gives off an air of silent judgment.
But what's most infuriating about Ann is, when you picture her closet at home, there's an exact fifty-fifty split of probability concerning what's hiding behind her pleated skirts and earth-tone sweater-vests. It's either: A) A six-foot by four-foot placard featuring a blown-up photograph of an aborted fetus that she keeps in pristine condition for the regular stony-faced protests outside the clinic two towns over, or B) A wheeled, locking Craftsman tool chest full of fetish/BDSM gear that she keeps meticulously oiled and sanitized. And you'll never know which.
Becky is more fun than a McDonald's PlayPlace ball pit full of humongous, greased-up tits. Anyone who calls her "Rebecca" gets playfully slapped on the arm and reprimanded. Becky is the one who comes up with giggly nicknames for everyone based on a fun shared experience, the first one to grab the mic on karaoke night, and the most apt to give you a homemade gift on your birthday. But it will not be the sort of macaroni-and-construction-paper abortion most are. It will be something useful, fun or attractive, and feature a personal touch based on something she remembers about you.
The problem is, Becky is cripplingly insecure, and it's for no goddamn evident reason at all that anyone she knows can figure out. To begin with, she thinks she's fat. And sure, while she's usually carrying around maybe 10 or 15 extra pounds over what the bullshit insurance-company BMI charts say she ought to be based on nothing but their goddamned profit forecast, she's carrying it in places and in ways that still stop frat-boys mid-sentence when she walks into the room, and well into her thirties at that. She thinks she's unattractive, but you'd kill for her hair, she's never had a single pimple, and 7 out of ten people would say, "adorable" if asked to describe her in one word. She constantly makes self-deprecating jokes about her intelligence level, but you know damn well she graduated college with a 3.8 GPA. So, while Becky may hide behind a facade of bubbly, likable energy, anytime you go out with her, she's crying her mascara off and bitching about how she's never had an orgasm by her third Cosmo.
Courtney is a real mixed bag, and most of what's in the mix is bullshit.
Courtney is, first and foremost, secure in the notion that she is smoking fucking hot. And, admittedly, she sort of SHOULD be, in as much as she possesses all of the usual qualities that the lowest common denominator of society commonly looks for in women it applies that label to. The problem is...she isn't. She isn't, because something went really strangely wrong somewhere during the assembly process, even though you've never quite been able to put your finger on just exactly what that was. In fact, the overall effect of Courtney is the same as a jigsaw puzzle that's been forced together incorrectly: Based on the individual pieces involved, you should have gotten the sort of picturesque result promised by the box...But that just ain't what you wound up with, brother. And you're really not sure what the fuck happened. You only know that it while it stops well shy of grotesque, it's more than fucked-up enough to be unsettling anyway.
By virtue of her delusions-of-grandeur self-image, Courtney appointed herself ringleader of your social circle years ago because she genuinely thinks she's the prettiest, and everyone knows that's how it works. As such, she's the one who decides when girls' night is, what bars you'll be going to, and which songs are "WOOOO!" enough for all of you to go and dance in a circle to, your backs to everyone else.
The upshot of this is, much like how she over-estimates her own attractiveness, Courtney also thinks quite a lot of her qualities as a person, and so doesn't see that she's actually a complete and utter cunt. She THINKS people respect her because she is assertive, influential and refreshingly blunt; but in reality, nobody can really stand the sight of her because she's actually bossy, manipulative and needlessly mean. The only reason her "friends"continue to hang out with her is the same reason Eskimos eat blubber: Sure, it sucks most of the time, but they've just always done it that way, and it's too fucking late to start second-guessing it now.
Incidentally, Courtney is also a professional gradecock blocker clam-jammer. That cute guy at the end of the bar might have taken a very-mutual shine to one of her friends, but it was Courtney who first uttered the phrase, "we CAME as a group, we LEAVE as a group." And of course, defying her self-styled authority would be tantamount to social suicide, because everyone's too goddamn old to find new friends at this point.
Danielle is never the prettiest one of her friends. She gives it the ol' college try, though. She dresses nicely, and wears her hair and makeup in ways that are perfectly attractive, but she never quite gets there. And it's not that she's ugly. It's just that she's never once been the girl some guy has practically killed himself to date or sleep with. Not that he wouldn't if SHE came on to HIM...it's just that if he had the option, Danielle isn't the one he'd pursue of his own volition, because she fell just short of really hitting the Pick Six in the overall genetic lottery.
Funny thing is, Danielle is genuinely okay with that. She knows that nobody calls her "hot" behind her back. And she truly doesn't give a shit. She honestly doesn't place that much emphasis on it, because she's got plenty of other stuff going on. She's smart and funny, she has plenty of friends, and whether or not anyone else thinks her job is interesting, she sure as hell seems to like it. And she has cool hobbies, too. She travels, is surprisingly good at something artistic or creative, and and volunteers with causes she believes in.
But Danielle has a secret. While a lot of her confidence stems from the fact that her personality is thicker and more diversified than a CEO's financial portfolio, no small amount also comes from the fact that she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's the most mind-blowing fuck in the entire room. She has honed every tool in her bag of bedroom of tricks to a razor edge, and whenever she DOES find a guy who's interested enough to open it, she rewards him with the ride of his life. Because of this, she actually gets laid more often than her supposedly "prettier" friends, and none of them really understands why. But the guys do. Do they EVER. Her name is whispered among them with reverence, and her number is kept underlined and starred in dozens of little black books for a three-county radius.
Emily is a tiny, wispy thing who looks as though she'd blow away like dandelion fluff at the slightest hint of a breeze. Her skin is almost tissue-paper translucent, and reveals much of the skeletal, circulatory, and connective structure beneath it. She doesn't talk much, and when she does, you have to almost put your hands on your knees and lean in really close, or you'll miss it. Her wardrobe reflects her almost ethereal nature, and is comprised mostly of gauzy, flowing skirts, and blouses that look like they'd fall apart after a months' worth of washes. Lots of silk, cheesecloth and linen for Emily, and not so much as a single cable-knit sweater. She doesn't wear eye makeup, either.
Emily will live in a college town, and will be mistaken for a student until she's almost forty. She works in a bookstore, and makes healthy use of the employee discount. She enjoys respectable, non-supermarket romance novels, but her main passion is fantasy. She possesses an exhaustively encyclopedic knowledge of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, and Ursula K. LeGuin. If you go to her apartment above a café or head shop in the Bohemian section of town, it's positively stuffed with bookshelves. The décor is mismatched but funky, heavy on color and texture. Emily will light some incense, and offer you a cup of the herbal tea she gets in loose bulk at the vegan co-op. She'll bring it out in a china cup complete with saucer. offers you the papasan or beanbag chair while she sits cross-legged on the floor. She apologizes for cat hair you can't really see, and while she might call "Tabitha" out to meet you, you'll never see a cat. Emily explains that this is because Tabitha is shy with strangers, and is probably hiding under the futon. Emily does not own a microwave or a television, and she dresses up like a fairy every Halloween. She spells it "faerie," however.
Whatever you do...Do NOT attempt to sleep with Emily. You will snap her in two like a porcelain figurine.
That'll do it for now, kids. Tune in next week for part two, wherein I discuss why Jenny is a great girl to date, but you should never marry her, and exactly how you should deal with being stalked by Greta.
Personally, I'm gonna go with these guys.
Man...FUCK the Kiwanis.
However, out of all of the laughably silly, "everyone who belongs to group A will possess trait B" blanketing that goes on, I find the Zodiac the funniest. Because if there's any one barometer that's both a reliable indicator of personality types AND an effective means of scrying up the future, it's the study of constellations. Mammoth spheres of noble gases burning billions of light-years away over an inestimably huge span of airless inky space? Yeah, they TOTALLY care about us, and about how we're doing. And it is absolutely imperative that they let us know that Tuesday might be a good day to chat up that cute secretary. Yeah, go for it, big guy. Omicron-2 Andromeda is totally in your corner. Hell, even the clumsily-translated placemats at the Chinese buffet down the block make more sense than that.Man...FUCK the Kiwanis.
However, there is always the exception that proves the rule. Sometimes, all persons who share a common aspect DO share common traits. And rarely is this more clear than when you consider people's names. As evidence of this, how often have we said, "He doesn't LOOK like a Chad," or, "I swore off of girls named Elizabeth"? It happens. And the reason it does is because our cumulative life experience teaches us that Chad is invariably a craven douche whose whole life's ambition is to never fuck a girl with a dress size higher than the age she started kindergarten, while Elizabeth is a high-maintenance twat who conveniently "forgets" to tell you she's splitting for a month to backpack across Europe, and then comes home with the clap. It's just TRUE.
Of course, the argument can be made that people with certain names tend to possess common facets because they're subtly nudged into the direction of them whether they want to be or not; but ultimately, that's a chicken-and-egg argument that more or less reinforces the point, if you think about it. You have a certain name, people expect you to act a certain way based on how other people they know with your name have acted. And so it comes to pass that it's just easier to fucking BE that way as long as they're going to assume you're going to be in advance. It's a vicious circle of self-fulfilling prophecy. So, while you might have turned out to be a respectable, pleasantly non-threatening, and possibly-gay CPA in a cardigan had your folks gone with "Charles"...they didn't. They thought "Jerry" would be better. So, instead, you're the only guy in the room who thinks you're hilarious, and you pick up checks like they're manhole covers. It may or may not be your fault, but we'll never know, will we?
It was while thinking about this that I realized I know a lot of women. A LOT of women. Some, even in the biblical sense. And it goes without saying that the above-mentioned phenomenon plays itself out pretty reliably based on my life experience. If it didn't...I wouldn't be writing this. So, I figured I might be able to get a spot of mileage out of imparting what I've learned regarding that. So I present unto you Part One of the Diary of Fools A-to-Z Guide to Girl's Names. In it, you'll find my boiled-down, overall impression of what the gals who've had these names have represented to me. I'm not gonna pretend I'm right about ALL of this, but I get the feeling that if you're inclined to look it over, you might just recognize a few chicks you know.
(Also, for a little added fun, I'll accompany each name with a photo example I found by punching that name into Google Image Search, and shamelessly stealing the result I feel best backs up my findings. But. In order to keep it interesting for you and me both, I'm going to go look for pictures only AFTER I've written the breakdown of the name. I say this only so that you, dear reader, can feel secure in the notion that I'm not just giving my impression of some anonymous internet woman's photo. That would be lazy. No, what's actually going to happen is that I'm gonna sketch out her personality profile, and then grab the first image result I see that makes me say, "See? That's the kind of shit I'm talking about right fucking there.")
So, without additional adieu, here is part one of my five-part A-to-Z guide of what you can expect when you run into the following females.
Ann is something of a wet blanket. She's cordal enough, sure. Nice, even. But she's completely inscrutable. She just never seems to get worked up about much, you don't know a lot about her, and she has a job you could never see yourself doing in a million years, or you'd kill yourself from the tedium. It's usually something terribly dry, utilitarian, and somewhat academic, like a librarian, or a lab tech. If she's out drinking with friends, Ann nurses a single gin and tonic, does not volunteer any conversation of her own volition, and the jokes that make everyone else at the table laugh uproariously? Ann just smirks, narrows her eyes and nods, bemused.
Ann is also usually vaguely religious, and gives off an air of silent judgment.
But what's most infuriating about Ann is, when you picture her closet at home, there's an exact fifty-fifty split of probability concerning what's hiding behind her pleated skirts and earth-tone sweater-vests. It's either: A) A six-foot by four-foot placard featuring a blown-up photograph of an aborted fetus that she keeps in pristine condition for the regular stony-faced protests outside the clinic two towns over, or B) A wheeled, locking Craftsman tool chest full of fetish/BDSM gear that she keeps meticulously oiled and sanitized. And you'll never know which.
Becky is more fun than a McDonald's PlayPlace ball pit full of humongous, greased-up tits. Anyone who calls her "Rebecca" gets playfully slapped on the arm and reprimanded. Becky is the one who comes up with giggly nicknames for everyone based on a fun shared experience, the first one to grab the mic on karaoke night, and the most apt to give you a homemade gift on your birthday. But it will not be the sort of macaroni-and-construction-paper abortion most are. It will be something useful, fun or attractive, and feature a personal touch based on something she remembers about you.
The problem is, Becky is cripplingly insecure, and it's for no goddamn evident reason at all that anyone she knows can figure out. To begin with, she thinks she's fat. And sure, while she's usually carrying around maybe 10 or 15 extra pounds over what the bullshit insurance-company BMI charts say she ought to be based on nothing but their goddamned profit forecast, she's carrying it in places and in ways that still stop frat-boys mid-sentence when she walks into the room, and well into her thirties at that. She thinks she's unattractive, but you'd kill for her hair, she's never had a single pimple, and 7 out of ten people would say, "adorable" if asked to describe her in one word. She constantly makes self-deprecating jokes about her intelligence level, but you know damn well she graduated college with a 3.8 GPA. So, while Becky may hide behind a facade of bubbly, likable energy, anytime you go out with her, she's crying her mascara off and bitching about how she's never had an orgasm by her third Cosmo.
Courtney is a real mixed bag, and most of what's in the mix is bullshit.
Courtney is, first and foremost, secure in the notion that she is smoking fucking hot. And, admittedly, she sort of SHOULD be, in as much as she possesses all of the usual qualities that the lowest common denominator of society commonly looks for in women it applies that label to. The problem is...she isn't. She isn't, because something went really strangely wrong somewhere during the assembly process, even though you've never quite been able to put your finger on just exactly what that was. In fact, the overall effect of Courtney is the same as a jigsaw puzzle that's been forced together incorrectly: Based on the individual pieces involved, you should have gotten the sort of picturesque result promised by the box...But that just ain't what you wound up with, brother. And you're really not sure what the fuck happened. You only know that it while it stops well shy of grotesque, it's more than fucked-up enough to be unsettling anyway.
By virtue of her delusions-of-grandeur self-image, Courtney appointed herself ringleader of your social circle years ago because she genuinely thinks she's the prettiest, and everyone knows that's how it works. As such, she's the one who decides when girls' night is, what bars you'll be going to, and which songs are "WOOOO!" enough for all of you to go and dance in a circle to, your backs to everyone else.
The upshot of this is, much like how she over-estimates her own attractiveness, Courtney also thinks quite a lot of her qualities as a person, and so doesn't see that she's actually a complete and utter cunt. She THINKS people respect her because she is assertive, influential and refreshingly blunt; but in reality, nobody can really stand the sight of her because she's actually bossy, manipulative and needlessly mean. The only reason her "friends"continue to hang out with her is the same reason Eskimos eat blubber: Sure, it sucks most of the time, but they've just always done it that way, and it's too fucking late to start second-guessing it now.
Incidentally, Courtney is also a professional grade
Danielle is never the prettiest one of her friends. She gives it the ol' college try, though. She dresses nicely, and wears her hair and makeup in ways that are perfectly attractive, but she never quite gets there. And it's not that she's ugly. It's just that she's never once been the girl some guy has practically killed himself to date or sleep with. Not that he wouldn't if SHE came on to HIM...it's just that if he had the option, Danielle isn't the one he'd pursue of his own volition, because she fell just short of really hitting the Pick Six in the overall genetic lottery.
Funny thing is, Danielle is genuinely okay with that. She knows that nobody calls her "hot" behind her back. And she truly doesn't give a shit. She honestly doesn't place that much emphasis on it, because she's got plenty of other stuff going on. She's smart and funny, she has plenty of friends, and whether or not anyone else thinks her job is interesting, she sure as hell seems to like it. And she has cool hobbies, too. She travels, is surprisingly good at something artistic or creative, and and volunteers with causes she believes in.
But Danielle has a secret. While a lot of her confidence stems from the fact that her personality is thicker and more diversified than a CEO's financial portfolio, no small amount also comes from the fact that she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's the most mind-blowing fuck in the entire room. She has honed every tool in her bag of bedroom of tricks to a razor edge, and whenever she DOES find a guy who's interested enough to open it, she rewards him with the ride of his life. Because of this, she actually gets laid more often than her supposedly "prettier" friends, and none of them really understands why. But the guys do. Do they EVER. Her name is whispered among them with reverence, and her number is kept underlined and starred in dozens of little black books for a three-county radius.
Emily is a tiny, wispy thing who looks as though she'd blow away like dandelion fluff at the slightest hint of a breeze. Her skin is almost tissue-paper translucent, and reveals much of the skeletal, circulatory, and connective structure beneath it. She doesn't talk much, and when she does, you have to almost put your hands on your knees and lean in really close, or you'll miss it. Her wardrobe reflects her almost ethereal nature, and is comprised mostly of gauzy, flowing skirts, and blouses that look like they'd fall apart after a months' worth of washes. Lots of silk, cheesecloth and linen for Emily, and not so much as a single cable-knit sweater. She doesn't wear eye makeup, either.
Emily will live in a college town, and will be mistaken for a student until she's almost forty. She works in a bookstore, and makes healthy use of the employee discount. She enjoys respectable, non-supermarket romance novels, but her main passion is fantasy. She possesses an exhaustively encyclopedic knowledge of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, and Ursula K. LeGuin. If you go to her apartment above a café or head shop in the Bohemian section of town, it's positively stuffed with bookshelves. The décor is mismatched but funky, heavy on color and texture. Emily will light some incense, and offer you a cup of the herbal tea she gets in loose bulk at the vegan co-op. She'll bring it out in a china cup complete with saucer. offers you the papasan or beanbag chair while she sits cross-legged on the floor. She apologizes for cat hair you can't really see, and while she might call "Tabitha" out to meet you, you'll never see a cat. Emily explains that this is because Tabitha is shy with strangers, and is probably hiding under the futon. Emily does not own a microwave or a television, and she dresses up like a fairy every Halloween. She spells it "faerie," however.
Whatever you do...Do NOT attempt to sleep with Emily. You will snap her in two like a porcelain figurine.
That'll do it for now, kids. Tune in next week for part two, wherein I discuss why Jenny is a great girl to date, but you should never marry her, and exactly how you should deal with being stalked by Greta.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Weekend Extra: Video Meme Mashup
Sometimes, life offers us rare moments of synchronicity. The list of "eerie" similarities between the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations is older than the internet. The books are full of stories about twins who were separated at birth, yet who grew up to be practically the same person. Not to mention that everyone's heard the hoary tale that if you get baked, put on "Dark Side of the Moon" and watch "The Wizard of Oz," the ghost of Judy Garland will come out of the linen closet, and suck you off while she fingerbangs your asshole, or something. I dunno, I've never tried it.
Point is, even in a chaotic universe full of immeasurable entropy, once in a while two completely unrelated things will start dancing in unison. And whats even cooler is when it's happening across a great distance of time and/or space, and the two participants don't even realize it's happening. Such is the case with what I'm about to show you.
Following are two memetic viral videos. Chances are, if you've found THIS little corner of the internet, you spend a retarded amount of time online, and that means you've already seen them. Be that as it may, I'm posting them for reference and context regardless.
First up is the famous Bill O' Reilly "Fuck it! We'll do it live!" rant from his early days at "Inside Edition" that hit the tubes about a year back. It's pretty awesome, because it underscores that Bill O' Reilly's always been an inflammatory fuckmouth, but he only decided to be honest about recently. To date, it remains the only thing he ever HAS been honest about.
Refresh your memory:
Oh, Bill. Is there no BEGINNING to your charms?
Following that charming clip, I'd like to present to you this sad spectacle. Apparently, this young man is having trouble with some bullies at school. And while I empathize, I'm not exactly sure this video was the most effective way to dissuade their cruel criticism:
Poor kid. Maybe it would help if he laid off the lip gloss a little? Just thinkin' out loud, here. Don't shoot the messenger.
Anyway, I'm sure you can see what's coming.
Via the magic of video editing, some enterprising soul has decided to pour these two into a blender, thumb the "frappé" button, and then serve the world the smooth, creamy, refreshingly delicious result.
And what came out was one of the few things I've ever seen on the internet that actually made me laugh out loud.
Isn't life fantastic? I sure think so.
Point is, even in a chaotic universe full of immeasurable entropy, once in a while two completely unrelated things will start dancing in unison. And whats even cooler is when it's happening across a great distance of time and/or space, and the two participants don't even realize it's happening. Such is the case with what I'm about to show you.
Following are two memetic viral videos. Chances are, if you've found THIS little corner of the internet, you spend a retarded amount of time online, and that means you've already seen them. Be that as it may, I'm posting them for reference and context regardless.
First up is the famous Bill O' Reilly "Fuck it! We'll do it live!" rant from his early days at "Inside Edition" that hit the tubes about a year back. It's pretty awesome, because it underscores that Bill O' Reilly's always been an inflammatory fuckmouth, but he only decided to be honest about recently. To date, it remains the only thing he ever HAS been honest about.
Refresh your memory:
Oh, Bill. Is there no BEGINNING to your charms?
Following that charming clip, I'd like to present to you this sad spectacle. Apparently, this young man is having trouble with some bullies at school. And while I empathize, I'm not exactly sure this video was the most effective way to dissuade their cruel criticism:
Poor kid. Maybe it would help if he laid off the lip gloss a little? Just thinkin' out loud, here. Don't shoot the messenger.
Anyway, I'm sure you can see what's coming.
Via the magic of video editing, some enterprising soul has decided to pour these two into a blender, thumb the "frappé" button, and then serve the world the smooth, creamy, refreshingly delicious result.
And what came out was one of the few things I've ever seen on the internet that actually made me laugh out loud.
Isn't life fantastic? I sure think so.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Zero Shame Lame Fame Games: Miley Cyrus
Okay, kids, it's audience participation time!
Step one: watch this video clip. I know, please do it anyway.
Step two: Please help me out, as I'm finding I need a little assistance from you in determining what's funniest about this.
Is it...:
A) ...Miley Cyrus finally coming clean on the fact that she's just a corporate skin-puppet whose whole manufactured "career" exists solely to move merchandise for Disney?
B) ...Reasonably-respectable journalist Matt Lauer's barely-concealed contempt at having to interview this vapid waft of bacon-and-Aqua-Net-scented air?
C) ...The fact that she admits the "song" she's about to "perform" is one she basically hates, and she's only treading water until she can actually do what she wants?
D) ...That she actually has the stones to compare herself favorably to Joan Jett and Janis Joplin with a straight face?
E) ...Lauer tricking her into admitting that she is basically a product, even though he knows full well that both she and the audience are far too stupid to give a shit?
F) ...Said stupid audience actually cheering when Cyrus calls them out for being idiots who waited hours in the rain to watch a plastic "artist" perform "music" so artificial that even she even she herself can't be bothered to care about it?
G) ...The insane underlying corporate machinations that must have taken place in order for Disney (who owns ABC) to basically air a commercial for itself during what's ostensibly an NBC news program (The Today Show), and getting NBC to agree to it?
Or, my personal vote:
H) ...The clearly-just-doing-it-for-the-paycheck bass player over her shoulder actively trying to hate her to death as she's forcing air out of her lungs and using it to make sounds with her mouth?
Post your vote in the comments. In doing so, don't hesitate to point out any additional subtle bits of subtext I may have failed to glean out of this absurd and tragic spectacle. Much like the Matrix Trilogy, it just gets worse the more you watch it.
Step one: watch this video clip. I know, please do it anyway.
Step two: Please help me out, as I'm finding I need a little assistance from you in determining what's funniest about this.
Is it...:
A) ...Miley Cyrus finally coming clean on the fact that she's just a corporate skin-puppet whose whole manufactured "career" exists solely to move merchandise for Disney?
B) ...Reasonably-respectable journalist Matt Lauer's barely-concealed contempt at having to interview this vapid waft of bacon-and-Aqua-Net-scented air?
C) ...The fact that she admits the "song" she's about to "perform" is one she basically hates, and she's only treading water until she can actually do what she wants?
D) ...That she actually has the stones to compare herself favorably to Joan Jett and Janis Joplin with a straight face?
E) ...Lauer tricking her into admitting that she is basically a product, even though he knows full well that both she and the audience are far too stupid to give a shit?
F) ...Said stupid audience actually cheering when Cyrus calls them out for being idiots who waited hours in the rain to watch a plastic "artist" perform "music" so artificial that even she even she herself can't be bothered to care about it?
G) ...The insane underlying corporate machinations that must have taken place in order for Disney (who owns ABC) to basically air a commercial for itself during what's ostensibly an NBC news program (The Today Show), and getting NBC to agree to it?
Or, my personal vote:
H) ...The clearly-just-doing-it-for-the-paycheck bass player over her shoulder actively trying to hate her to death as she's forcing air out of her lungs and using it to make sounds with her mouth?
Post your vote in the comments. In doing so, don't hesitate to point out any additional subtle bits of subtext I may have failed to glean out of this absurd and tragic spectacle. Much like the Matrix Trilogy, it just gets worse the more you watch it.
"Super Toll!"
This video can really only make you feel one of two ways, illustrated perfectly by the two young men in this shot taken from the video:
"Gushers™ make me crazy with happiness!"
"Gushers™ make me feel like I've been touched inappropriately."
Vid Dig Credit: Wee Willie McGee
Thursday, August 27, 2009
DoF Shirt of the Week
Yeah we're aware our current health care system is broken. Sure, we have our opinions on whether a socialized system would work or not.
But more importantly, we're really digging the new flaming hot Funyuns, man.
Check out this week's shirt, at the low price of $17.00
Interested yet? If so, click anywhere right here, sexy.
(note: even cheaper if you change the "shirt type" to "value t-shirt"- $13.80!)
Big Pharmacy,
DoF Shirt of the Week,
health care
The Day I Lost My Faith in Humanity, Volume XXI
You know that house on your block?
The one with windows shuttered by overgrown shrubs and an ill-kempt lawn where the weeds are only outnumbered by creepy lawn ornaments?
The one that never has any lights on?
Yeah, well... people keep telling you a lady lives there by herself, but you never see her.
One time, though, you thought you saw a floral-patterned moo-moo moving in the faint, flickering light produced by the Home Shopping Network. But nothing conclusive. Kinda like that grainy film clip of Bigfoot.
The one with windows shuttered by overgrown shrubs and an ill-kempt lawn where the weeds are only outnumbered by creepy lawn ornaments?
The one that never has any lights on?
Yeah, well... people keep telling you a lady lives there by herself, but you never see her.
One time, though, you thought you saw a floral-patterned moo-moo moving in the faint, flickering light produced by the Home Shopping Network. But nothing conclusive. Kinda like that grainy film clip of Bigfoot.
Pure. 24K. Comedic. Gold.
Much like playing with myself, literal music videos never get old.
Thanks to E-Dubs for the vid dig.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Great Moments in Fat History: The KFC Double Down.
The Colonel is trying to kill you.
He wants you to die, and he wants you to die now.
How else do you explain his newest menu item - a bacon sandwich topped with a slice of pepper jack, a slice of swiss cheese and the Colonel's secret sauce**?
That doesn't sound too bad, you say?
How else do you explain his newest menu item - a bacon sandwich topped with a slice of pepper jack, a slice of swiss cheese and the Colonel's secret sauce**?
That doesn't sound too bad, you say?
In fact it sounds very similar to what you had for breakfast this morning, you say?
Oh, right!
That's 'cuz I forget something.
You know the bun?
Oh, right!
That's 'cuz I forget something.
You know the bun?
It's been replaced.
With fried chicken.
With fried chicken.
Bite into the Double Down and say, "I hate me."
**Koala semen. It's true.
Blaine Fridley,
Double Down,
great moments in fat history,
Another Youtube moment, with Reno Gruber
Strolling around on Youtube can be an exciting and dangerous game.
Sometimes you come across asses that wink, sometimes you come across ICP fans looking their Sunday best while drinking Faygo (hahaha it sounds like fag, man!).
Other times, you get this.
Moral to the story, we all have way too much time on our fucking hands.
Sometimes you come across asses that wink, sometimes you come across ICP fans looking their Sunday best while drinking Faygo (hahaha it sounds like fag, man!).
Other times, you get this.
Moral to the story, we all have way too much time on our fucking hands.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Forensic Science of Fake Boobies
By Knarf Black XIV
Women's Health Advocate &
Professional Serial Murderer
Women's Health Advocate &
Professional Serial Murderer
After spending weeks carefully picking out a victim, disemboweling her closest friends one by one, and then managing to keep pace with someone running at a full sprint while lugging a chainsaw and pretending not to be in a hurry, I don't have a lot of energy for clean-up. I'd prefer to lay back and fall asleep, but once the fun is over, it's time for the unpleasant reality: cleanup.
Fingerprints need to be charred off, teeth have to be pulled, and the head--don't get me started on how difficult it is to ditch that particular 8 pound millstone. (If I had a nickel for every time I heard "That bowling ball in your bag smells like rotting meat" I'd be brutally slaughtering horny teens in the Cayman Islands by now.) It's not like Hells Kitchen bathtubs can fill themselves with lye.
Anyway, it's already a right pain in the ass to properly dispose of a body...
Fingerprints need to be charred off, teeth have to be pulled, and the head--don't get me started on how difficult it is to ditch that particular 8 pound millstone. (If I had a nickel for every time I heard "That bowling ball in your bag smells like rotting meat" I'd be brutally slaughtering horny teens in the Cayman Islands by now.) It's not like Hells Kitchen bathtubs can fill themselves with lye.
Anyway, it's already a right pain in the ass to properly dispose of a body...
Own your cankles!
Yesterday, you saw a post regarding an essential CNN report on cankles.
In that riveting, richly-detailed minute-and-a-half news package, cankles, unfortunately, were cast only in a negative light. Something to have liposuctioned away if you could just find the right unlicensed strip mall plastic surgeon unconcerned by the major nerve damage it most likely would cause.
But why?
What about those who have cankles and want to celebrate that fact?
What about those who say "I have canned hams where my ankles should be and I look fucking fabulous! If you've got 'em [cankles], flaunt 'em!"?
Well, luckily, that ever-growing (thanks to corn subsidies) niche consumer base is finally starting to be heard, and leading the way are the makers of the Cankle Bracelet. The fashion accessory for cankles!
Well, luckily, that ever-growing (thanks to corn subsidies) niche consumer base is finally starting to be heard, and leading the way are the makers of the Cankle Bracelet. The fashion accessory for cankles!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Ballad of the Solitary Detritus - Urban Edition
The other eve, I went to see
A film of moving picture art
It wasn't bad, it tickled me
And had a lot of heart
It came to pass that on a stair
As I was walking to my car
I found a shoe just lying there
Its owner, gone afar
I wondered then just what could cause
A person climbing up a flight
To doff the padding on their paws
While gaining greater height
It seemed so odd, a single shoe
Just sitting silent, all alone
And so, at loss for what to do
I snapped it with my phone
And why did I? I do not know
It's only that it seemed to me
That I should note this sad tableau
For all prosperity
My vehicle admitted me
Though I was haunted by the sight
I still turned on the drivers' key
And drove into the night
I swore a little when I saw
The fuel light upon the dash
My curs'ed car! Its thirsty maw
Forever swallows cash
So I consigned myself to stop
At petrol station, brightly lit
And though expensive, had to pop
For topping off a bit.
I took the nozzle from the pump
And stuck it in the hole for gas
And so began the liquid bump
From "E" to "F" in class
But when I raised my eyes to where
The numbers ticked my bucks away
I saw an object lying there
Upon the big display
It seemed the lonely shoe I'd viewed
Alone and bathed in summer moon
Was not the only soldier who'd
Been left by his platoon
Upon the pump, just waiting still
Was someone else's threaded cap
Beneath an ad for snacky swill
And other nasty crap
It seems that it was left behind
By someone else who'd pumped and left
And there it was for me to find
Abandoned and bereft
It puzzled me, I must admit
The second time that night I'd crossed
The path of some inanimate
Doohickey that was lost
You'd think that you would notice though
Before you'd gotten very far
A missing shoe, a naked toe,
A petrol-smelling car
I guess I couldn't help but hope
The cap and shoe I'd come to find
Were not cast off by just one dope
Who'd also lost his mind
I didn't waste a lot of thought
While pumping gallons in my tank
Afraid I'd end up over-bought
And break the bloody bank
But even so, I thought it good
To once again play shutterbug
And document it where it stood
I snapped it with a shrug
It's only now while going through
The "photos" folder on my phone
I find occasion to construe
These items left alone
The world's a hurry, all of those
With figures, tables, lists and facts
Could stand to stop, and smell a rose
Or otherwise relax
There's accidental poetry
For those who pay attention to
The stuff that most folks wouldn't see
But some of us...?
We do.
The Day I Lost My Faith in Humanity, Volume XX
You're reporting on cankles?
Vital news gathering, CNN. Thank you. Cronkite would be proud.
What's next? A special report on FUPAs?
Vital news gathering, CNN. Thank you. Cronkite would be proud.
What's next? A special report on FUPAs?
<---- Hall of Fame FUPA.
Thanks to B. for the link!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Weekend Wake-up Call: You can't dance as well as a 7 yr. old white girl.
Yes, the truth hurts, but it sure is hella entertaining in this case.
Watch now as this lil' towhead makes your finest moves look like a grand mal seizure:
Happy weekend, DoFers.
Friday, August 21, 2009
DoF Friday Funk with: Maria Isa
DoF: Several years ago, you were on the cover of City Pages (a Twin Cities weekly) with a headline that read "Reggaeton Animal", but reggaeton is such a small part of your formula. Your style seems to follow the same sort of free-spirited format preferred by artists such as Tego Calderon or Calle 13. While both are considered "reggaeton" (by retailers, at least), their music is not imprisoned within the boundaries laid down by the "DemBow". Their albums tend to be a diverse exploration of hip-hop, salsa, soul, funk, r&b, reggae and beyond. Do you see them as an oddity in the reggaeton game, or do you get the sense that reggaeton as a genre is following their lead, stretching and diversifying its sound as the years go by?
MI: I consider Tego Calderon and Calle 13 phenomenal emcees that help place the genre of Reggaeton on the map and am an advocate to help others understand that they should not be placed in a box. Reggaeton is rooted by the Afro-Latino culture, just as the genres of Bomba, Rumba, Plena, Merengue, Samba, Bachata, and Batucada were. I don't believe it's odd to consider them as top players of the game, it's a movement representing a big part of "who we are" as Latinos and they are ambassadors of a genre which was once called "underground" due to not being accepted. I consider them to be the genre's best emcees that aren't afraid to crossover and express their diverse influences.
DoF: What do you hope to accomplish with your music; personally and for your audience? Does the goal change from song to song?
MI: I want my audience to have fun, feel free to express themselves to my vibe, along with being able to recognize the issues and rights we have as a movement of the world's citizens. I hope to assist or inspire one to learn something new about their roots and to not take it for granted. Walk, live, dream and stand up for what you want to see balanced.
DoF: How about your new album Street Politics? Is there a prevailing theme/message/feeling you'd like listeners to take away from it after listening?
MI: I would like listeners to think back on their lives growing up in their community, being brought up by their family and culture, along with capturing the images and stories that I express. No matter where one comes from anything can be accomplished. With Street Politics, I broke the writing process down as a collection of emotions I have experienced or captured from my surroundings. I consider it to be broken down in 10 chapters expressing love, knowledge, pride, sorrow, tragedy, confusion, enjoyment, passion, shock, and indulging inspiration. As Ruben Blades sang in Pedro Navaja "La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida..aye dios"
DoF: Do you think not having your homebase in NYC or LA has slowed your career growth to some extent, or has starting out in a "smaller pond" like the Twin Cities kind of allowed you the freedom to find yourself as a performer at your own pace?
MI: I love being from the Twin Cities, wouldn't change it for the world...It's who I am and has helped me develop my style. I would say being from the Twin Cities is a benefit for the times when I have performed in NYC and LA. I am a firm believer of things happening when the right time is presented. I would most definitely NOT say things have been slow here in the Twin Cities...it has been my class room which has prepared me to express my work and message. It many ways I feel it is a privilege.
DoF: What's the single most excruciatingly painful thing going on in music right now?
MI: Soulja Boy as a "hip-hop" artist..may Wu-Tang bees come to sting him!! jk....not hating just expressing my opinion. I feel the children are being poisoned by commercial radio not waking the hell up! I guess the Money gets one the Power!
DoF: Do you think music has a role to play in encouraging social change/movements?
MI: Yes I do think this....I breath this! It's what motivates me the most!! Didn't you watch Obama's inauguration parties!!! Those musicians and artists help spread the word.
DoF: If you weren't making music, what would you be doing with your life?
MI: I'd probably still be a FULL TIME working on a Political Science Degree. A good friend always keeps me smiling saying I can do that when I feel ready to finish.
DoF: What's your most recent iTunes purchase?
LOSO'S WAY-Fabolous: I actually can dig the Dominicano's vibe on this...so is everyone else, he made #1 this week on BB. But I'm vibing the lyrics on Raekwon's new joint [House of Flying] Dagger[s] feat. Inspectah Deck, Ghostface Killah, and Method Man, too.
And now make way for the Funk, straight from Ms. Isa's iPod to your groove-hungry ears. (Note: While DoF has a fairly strict "No Fabolous" rule, this joint is kinda hot. Seriously. Give it a chance. I won't/can't vouch for the rest of the album, though.
Michael Jackson - Get on the Floor
Fabolous - Pachanga
Raekwon - House of Flying Daggers
A very special thanks to Maria and SotaRico Productions for taking the time to chat!
Blaine Fridley,
DoF Friday Funk,
Maria Isa,
Michael Jackson,
Twin Cities
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Day I Lost My Faith in Humanity: Volume XIX
Yes, I know what you're thinking. "Two 'Lost My Faith in Humanity' posts in ONE AFTERNOON? To what to I owe this splendid embarrassment of riches?" Well, I'll tell you. You owe it to the fact that the human race is piled collectively into a motherfucking rocket-powered handbasket aimed straight at the hoary, reeking gates of Hades itself.
My evidence?
Ladies and gentlemen...I welcome you to gaze upon the face of Evil. It belongs to my new "Least Favorite Person Ever" winner, narrowly edging out Hitler for the top spot: Mikka Shardai Cline.
Seems Mikka here is something of an opportunist. That's why recently, while she was out bopping around with her sister, she thought she'd grab herself a soccer ball she saw roll away from a 13-year-old kid, and into a nearby bush. Problem is, it wasn't her ball. She knew it. And she knew she'd be yoinking it from a kid. She didn't care. But that's not why you should hate her.
After the kid lost the ball, the kid's uncle went to go get it...Where he saw Mikka and her sister also going for it. Why didn't the kid who lost it get off his ass and go get it himself? Well, I'm sure he would have loved to. Problem being, he couldn't. He couldn't due to the fact that he was confined to a wheelchair. But that's not why you should hate her, either.
If you're wondering what happened to the kid to land him in a wheelchair, you're already more human than Mikka will ever be. Evidently, the kid is in a wheelchair because he's awaiting surgery. The bushes into which the ball had initially rolled happen to be on the grounds of a renowned Texas Children's Hospital. But y'know what? That's STILL not why you should hate her.
In the ensuing scuffle, the kid's uncle wound up with the ball. Once he recovered it, he went back over to where his nephew was sitting, and put it back in the kid's lap. Now, until THIS point, anyone with a shred of a soul might think this is where Mikka bailed on her ball-collecting mission, realizing her horrible mistake: that the ball she was trying so hard to gaffle actually belonged to a handicapped youth. You might be tempted to hope that she would then go home, sit quietly in a darkened room, and spend a little time with some solemn introspection in an attempt to discern what had gone so horribly wrong in her life to result in her winding up such a repulsive person.
But that's because you're not Mikka Shardai Cline.
Mikka didn't take HER scavenged bounty having been returned to its rightful owner lightly...OH, no. She was gonna GET that goddamned ball. So, she and her sister sauntered on over to where the kid was sitting, and tried to gank it right out of his fucking lap.
Okay, you can start hating her just a LITTLE now, in order to get ready for what's coming.
For this part of the exercise, imagine you're the kid's uncle. You've just BOUGHT the kid the ball as a gift on the way over to visit him in the hospital. Where he was awaiting surgery. In his wheelchair. And you have just emerged victorious in a scuffle for the ball against some bitch and her sister who were trying to snag it. So, imagine your horrified surprise when you see these absolute wastes of perfectly good organs boldly march on up to your nephew, and try to forcibly knock it out of his lap after you give it back to him. Naturally, you intervene once again.
And what you're faced with next is these two unbelievable cunts WORKING AS A TEAM to try to take the kid's ball.
That's right. When Uncle gets all "Oh, HELL no," and goes over to defend the kid, Sister makes a move for the ball. She is rebuffed by Uncle. While Uncle is tussling with Sister, Mikka sees her shot, and makes a grab for it. Problem is, the kid is doing his best to feebly hang onto his gift, the little ray of spherical black-and-white sunshine that his beloved uncle had brought him that day to try and cheer him up. And despite his debilitated nature, he's doing a reasonably fine job of it. Too fine a job for Mikka's liking, apparently.
So what does Mikka do to try to get him to let go?
She swings at him with a closed fist.
And the second swing connects.
Do you hate her yet? I hope you don't. At least not TOO much. Because I've deliberately kept one very extra-special little nugget of info in reserve for the right moment, and you're going to want to save up some of that hatred.
When Mikka landed the punch, she didn't connect with the boy's face. Nor did she connect anywhere on his body. She, in fact, landed her fist solidly upon the kid's immobilizing surgical halo.
In case you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, let me fill you in a bit. A surgical halo is something you may have seen on TV or in the movies. I hope to GOD you've never had to see it on a loved one, or heaven forbid yourself. Because a surgical halo is a rigid, metal ring. One they have to screw into your skull in order to stabilize you after you've had a potentially life-threatening cranial or spinal injury. It's then attached to a support harness in order to provide your head and spinal cord the support your fucked-up neck currently can't.
That. THAT is what the full-force, closed-fist blow of Mikka's rage connected with. An iron ring, drilled into the kid's fucking SKULL, and mounted onto his shoulders with reinforced steel supports.
Set aside for the moment, if you will, the potential for FURTHER exacerbating a child's lifelong, debilitating injury because you've seen fit to use blunt force to defeat the stop-gap medical support system that is probably the only thing keeping him from paralysis. And when you manage to do that (I still haven't), then simply consider the pain. Or, more likely, the soul-wrenching, all-consuming, motherfucking writhing in torment, I-want-to-die agony.
Clearly, something catastrophic happened in this poor kid's life to land him in this state. And being as he's not old enough to be operating any of the heavy machinery that usually results in the sort of injuries that necessitate a surgical halo, chances are, whatever it was wasn't even really his fault. But he's still broken beyond repair anyway, awaiting surgery to repair his ruined neck, which means he's probably in considerable discomfort to begin with.
And then Mikka here has to come along and strike him. In his surgical halo. The one that's bolted to the bones in his head, and attached to expandable metal supports putting constant pressure on his shoulders. The vibration from the blow would then naturally resonate from Mikka's fist, into the ring, and then directly into his skull, and eventually, the site of the original injury, before continuing down to place acute pressure onto his already indescribably sore upper back. All this because she wanted to take advantage of him, and steal the soccer ball she KNEW was his; the ball his uncle brought him as a gift while he was recovering from horrific injuries. Injuries that weren't even his fault in the first place.
Okay. You can hate her now. Go ahead. Please. Because if this blog suddenly and inexplicably racks up a million views out of nowhere tomorrow, all of the readers hating her simultaneously would STILL not amount to the merest FRACTION she so richly deserves.
And just in case you think I HAVE to be making at least SOME of this up? That no single human being could be so thoroughly reprehensible? Here's a link to the story.
Mikka Shardai Cline? Congratulations, you inconceivable goddamned demon. You motherfucking blinding rage-inspiring ghoul. You are far and away the most horrible person alive on the planet right now. Out of six-and-a-half BILLION people all being varying degrees of disgusting to each other, you're the fucking queen.
Now come here. I've got your crown. And when I put it on you, I'm going to bolt it into your skull, and then hit it with a shitting pipe wrench a few dozen times. I hope you die. In a FIRE.
My evidence?
Ladies and gentlemen...I welcome you to gaze upon the face of Evil. It belongs to my new "Least Favorite Person Ever" winner, narrowly edging out Hitler for the top spot: Mikka Shardai Cline.
You're going to loathe the ever-Christing
SHIT out of this twat within five minutes,
or your money back.
SHIT out of this twat within five minutes,
or your money back.
Seems Mikka here is something of an opportunist. That's why recently, while she was out bopping around with her sister, she thought she'd grab herself a soccer ball she saw roll away from a 13-year-old kid, and into a nearby bush. Problem is, it wasn't her ball. She knew it. And she knew she'd be yoinking it from a kid. She didn't care. But that's not why you should hate her.
After the kid lost the ball, the kid's uncle went to go get it...Where he saw Mikka and her sister also going for it. Why didn't the kid who lost it get off his ass and go get it himself? Well, I'm sure he would have loved to. Problem being, he couldn't. He couldn't due to the fact that he was confined to a wheelchair. But that's not why you should hate her, either.
If you're wondering what happened to the kid to land him in a wheelchair, you're already more human than Mikka will ever be. Evidently, the kid is in a wheelchair because he's awaiting surgery. The bushes into which the ball had initially rolled happen to be on the grounds of a renowned Texas Children's Hospital. But y'know what? That's STILL not why you should hate her.
In the ensuing scuffle, the kid's uncle wound up with the ball. Once he recovered it, he went back over to where his nephew was sitting, and put it back in the kid's lap. Now, until THIS point, anyone with a shred of a soul might think this is where Mikka bailed on her ball-collecting mission, realizing her horrible mistake: that the ball she was trying so hard to gaffle actually belonged to a handicapped youth. You might be tempted to hope that she would then go home, sit quietly in a darkened room, and spend a little time with some solemn introspection in an attempt to discern what had gone so horribly wrong in her life to result in her winding up such a repulsive person.
But that's because you're not Mikka Shardai Cline.
Mikka didn't take HER scavenged bounty having been returned to its rightful owner lightly...OH, no. She was gonna GET that goddamned ball. So, she and her sister sauntered on over to where the kid was sitting, and tried to gank it right out of his fucking lap.
Okay, you can start hating her just a LITTLE now, in order to get ready for what's coming.
For this part of the exercise, imagine you're the kid's uncle. You've just BOUGHT the kid the ball as a gift on the way over to visit him in the hospital. Where he was awaiting surgery. In his wheelchair. And you have just emerged victorious in a scuffle for the ball against some bitch and her sister who were trying to snag it. So, imagine your horrified surprise when you see these absolute wastes of perfectly good organs boldly march on up to your nephew, and try to forcibly knock it out of his lap after you give it back to him. Naturally, you intervene once again.
And what you're faced with next is these two unbelievable cunts WORKING AS A TEAM to try to take the kid's ball.
That's right. When Uncle gets all "Oh, HELL no," and goes over to defend the kid, Sister makes a move for the ball. She is rebuffed by Uncle. While Uncle is tussling with Sister, Mikka sees her shot, and makes a grab for it. Problem is, the kid is doing his best to feebly hang onto his gift, the little ray of spherical black-and-white sunshine that his beloved uncle had brought him that day to try and cheer him up. And despite his debilitated nature, he's doing a reasonably fine job of it. Too fine a job for Mikka's liking, apparently.
So what does Mikka do to try to get him to let go?
She swings at him with a closed fist.
And the second swing connects.
Do you hate her yet? I hope you don't. At least not TOO much. Because I've deliberately kept one very extra-special little nugget of info in reserve for the right moment, and you're going to want to save up some of that hatred.
When Mikka landed the punch, she didn't connect with the boy's face. Nor did she connect anywhere on his body. She, in fact, landed her fist solidly upon the kid's immobilizing surgical halo.
In case you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, let me fill you in a bit. A surgical halo is something you may have seen on TV or in the movies. I hope to GOD you've never had to see it on a loved one, or heaven forbid yourself. Because a surgical halo is a rigid, metal ring. One they have to screw into your skull in order to stabilize you after you've had a potentially life-threatening cranial or spinal injury. It's then attached to a support harness in order to provide your head and spinal cord the support your fucked-up neck currently can't.
That. THAT is what the full-force, closed-fist blow of Mikka's rage connected with. An iron ring, drilled into the kid's fucking SKULL, and mounted onto his shoulders with reinforced steel supports.
Set aside for the moment, if you will, the potential for FURTHER exacerbating a child's lifelong, debilitating injury because you've seen fit to use blunt force to defeat the stop-gap medical support system that is probably the only thing keeping him from paralysis. And when you manage to do that (I still haven't), then simply consider the pain. Or, more likely, the soul-wrenching, all-consuming, motherfucking writhing in torment, I-want-to-die agony.
Clearly, something catastrophic happened in this poor kid's life to land him in this state. And being as he's not old enough to be operating any of the heavy machinery that usually results in the sort of injuries that necessitate a surgical halo, chances are, whatever it was wasn't even really his fault. But he's still broken beyond repair anyway, awaiting surgery to repair his ruined neck, which means he's probably in considerable discomfort to begin with.
And then Mikka here has to come along and strike him. In his surgical halo. The one that's bolted to the bones in his head, and attached to expandable metal supports putting constant pressure on his shoulders. The vibration from the blow would then naturally resonate from Mikka's fist, into the ring, and then directly into his skull, and eventually, the site of the original injury, before continuing down to place acute pressure onto his already indescribably sore upper back. All this because she wanted to take advantage of him, and steal the soccer ball she KNEW was his; the ball his uncle brought him as a gift while he was recovering from horrific injuries. Injuries that weren't even his fault in the first place.
Okay. You can hate her now. Go ahead. Please. Because if this blog suddenly and inexplicably racks up a million views out of nowhere tomorrow, all of the readers hating her simultaneously would STILL not amount to the merest FRACTION she so richly deserves.
And just in case you think I HAVE to be making at least SOME of this up? That no single human being could be so thoroughly reprehensible? Here's a link to the story.
Mikka Shardai Cline? Congratulations, you inconceivable goddamned demon. You motherfucking blinding rage-inspiring ghoul. You are far and away the most horrible person alive on the planet right now. Out of six-and-a-half BILLION people all being varying degrees of disgusting to each other, you're the fucking queen.
Now come here. I've got your crown. And when I put it on you, I'm going to bolt it into your skull, and then hit it with a shitting pipe wrench a few dozen times. I hope you die. In a FIRE.
The Day I Lost My Faith in Humanity, Part XVIII
Thomas Edison once said "Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Let us hope the inventor of Winkers™ is not familiar with that quote:
In case you were wondering, here's how much winkers cost (not kidding):
The Eyes ......................... $149.00
The Ducks ....................... $159.00
The Clap Boards ........... $249.00
The Owl is .........................$269.00
Lion in the Jungle.............$569.00
Get more info at winkersdesign.com! or don't. seriously, don't.
If the mere concept of Winkers™ doesn't hook prospective investors, that undeniably impressive VHS production sure as hell will… hopefully nobody wanted to watch that Night Court episode you taped over.
Special thanks to Wee Willie McGee for the vid.
In case you were wondering, here's how much winkers cost (not kidding):
The Eyes ......................... $149.00
The Ducks ....................... $159.00
The Clap Boards ........... $249.00
The Owl is .........................$269.00
Lion in the Jungle.............$569.00
Get more info at winkersdesign.com! or don't. seriously, don't.
DoF Newswire: Local Student Kevin Tallman "Total Pussy" According to Sources
Merton Sussex - DoF News, Minneapolis Bureau
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Herbert Hoover Junior High School student Kevin Tallman, 12, is allegedly a "complete and total pussy," according to sources close to the boy.
This report comes in the wake of several recent incidents involving Tallman and other students at his school, most of which ended with the boy his parents call "loving and friendly" smeared with blood, dirt, discarded cafeteria food, and in one rumored case, excrement.
(It was not immediately clear at press time whether the excrement in question was of human origin.)
Problems reportedly began in early fall of last year when Kevin's parents, 34-year-old David Tallman and his wife, 33-year-old Wendy, moved to the area from economically-depressed Fargo, ND in order for David to pursue a career change. Upon young Kevin's enrollment at Hoover Junior High, a group of older, bigger kids took an immediate disliking to him, and began to dedicate a significant portion of their time and energy into letting the boy know this in as many humiliating and violent ways possible within their limited means. Based on independent eyewitness reports, these incidents have included (but have not been limited to) locking him in the girls' lavatory, "pantsing" him in the cafeteria, knocking his books out of his hands in the hallway between classes, pouring bottles of urine into the ventilation slots of his assigned locker, throwing school supplies at his head, and body-checking him into stationary objects in an attempt to cause him physical harm, as well as make him appear clumsy.
Further, in at least one alleged incident, a newsletter-style publication called "Kevin Smalldick Sucks Ass" was produced with desktop-publishing software, printed and distributed to over 200 students before school officials became aware of what was happening. The brochure-style document contained crudely altered photos of the boy violating livestock and dancing ballet in a frilly tutu, as well as several "news reports" on potentially-embarrassing activities Tallman had supposedly recently engaged in. These included possibly-falsified stories of the boy "humping maiboxes," taking baths in raw sewage, and using his mother's "wrinkle cream" as an improvised masturbation lubricant. The document also contained at least one set of parody song lyrics accusing the boy of homosexuality, and alleging that he was born inter-sexed (expressed as, "Kevin Smalldick is a hermafferdite [sic]").
Reports on just what the boy has done to deserve such treatment vary widely.
"Whatever. Kevin Smalldick is a total dork," says Charles "Chaz" Davis, 12, one of the boys alleged to have participated in the creation of the "newsletter." "This one time, I saw him eating boogers at the bus stop. He totally looked right at me looking at him, and he didn't care. He just kept on eating 'em.
"They were big, slimy green ones, too," added Davis. "It was totally gross."
Another boy accused of harassing Tallman, 12-year-old Richard "Dickie" Severin Jr., corroborates Davis' accusations. "Yeah, Smalldick totally eats booger sandwiches for lunch. Plus he won't get in the shower after gym class," Severin adds. "Everyone knows it's because he has a vergina [sic]. I wish he would, 'cuz maybe then he wouldn't stink so bad."
"I don't even know him. Leave me alone," said 12-year-old Megan Dubois, a fellow Hoover Student upon whom it is speculated Tallman has a schoolboy crush.
This theory apparently came to light after a recent incident in which Severin appropriated Tallman's three-subject Mead notebook from an unattended backpack, and discovered several pages that were filled with nothing but Dubois' name written over and over again in cursive script, and encircled by hearts. There was evidently also a short, three-stanza poem in which alleged author Tallman compared Dubois' eyes to the sky, and her hair to gold.
"I heard he likes to sniff his own poop, anyway," remarked Dubois, before quickly walking away.
"I don't understand it," said Kevin's mother Wendy during an interview at the family's modest duplex-style home in Eden Prairie. "Kevin is a sweet boy. He never had trouble making friends at his old school. But ever since we moved here so David could find work again, it's been hard. For some reason, they just can't stop antagonizing him. Either David, or I, or both of us have had to go in to speak with the principal at Hoover at least a dozen times since the start of the school year."
Her eyes grow moist as she recalls having to replace Kevin's clothing due to tears, strangely unpleasant-smelling stains, and the appearance of hastily-scrawled profanity (which had apparently been drawn upon it in permanent marker during several instances where the boy was held down by classmates after school).
"My son is not a 'little fag'," she asserts, her voice quivering. "Maybe he's a little small for his age, but I know he likes girls."
David Tallman, the boy's father, could not be reached for comment, as he was reportedly putting in extra hours at work in order to help ease some of the family's debt from his sustained period of unemployment prior to their relocation.
For his part, Hoover Principal Carl Schuster takes a hard line.
"I'm aware of what's been happening in reference to the Tallman boy," said Schuster said when reached by telephone at his office. "And I've made it very clear that Herbert Hoover Junior High School has a 'Zero-Tolerance' policy when it comes to bullying. We take every allegation very seriously, investigate thoroughly, and appropriately discipline those determined to be responsible for the instigation."
But even Schuster admits that the punishment options available for correcting offenders are limited, and only marginally effective at best. He also reluctantly agrees that disciplinary action taken against Tallman's alleged assailants hasn't seemed to dissuade them in the slightest.
"Years ago, we used to be able to paddle students who bullied others," he said. "Of course, nowadays, we can't be as eye-for-an-eye when it comes to teaching kids what it feels like to get picked on by someone bigger than them, or we're setting ourselves up for lawsuits."
He adds, "If you ask me, though, I wouldn't mind bringing it back."
Some methods the school has used in order to penalize students they determine to be bullies have included traditional approaches like mandatory counseling sessions and after-school detention, as well as other less-conventional approaches such as assigning students to assist the custodial staff in cafeteria cleanup, and posting the bullies' names on a "Wall of Shame" in the school's front lobby.
"Okay, so maybe that last one backfired a little," admits Schuster. "Some of the kids saw being on the list as some sort of badge of honor, almost like an athletic ranking," he says. "A few of them even jockeyed for position, acting up again if they felt they had been removed unfairly.
"So...yeah. That one didn't last too long," he added.
Sadly, the harsh treatment of young Kevin Tallman doesn't appear as though it will abate any time soon. Just prior to this story's deadline, reports have come in that Tallman is currently in the office of Hoover school Nurse Betty Bromfield, where she is assessing possible damage to the boy's buttocks and genitals. This is as a result of what onlookers described as an "epic atomic wedgie" sustained by Tallman as he attempted to pass a basketball to a fellow "skins" teammate Curtis Jackson during fourth-period Physical Education class.
"I totally bet it didn't even hurt," sneers "Chaz" Davis, accused administrator of the aforementioned forceful upward yank of Tallman's white, boys' size S undergarment into his natal cleft. "It's not like he's got any actual balls, or anything."
Attempts to reach Kevin Tallman for comment on this story were inconclusive as of press time.
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Herbert Hoover Junior High School student Kevin Tallman, 12, is allegedly a "complete and total pussy," according to sources close to the boy.
This report comes in the wake of several recent incidents involving Tallman and other students at his school, most of which ended with the boy his parents call "loving and friendly" smeared with blood, dirt, discarded cafeteria food, and in one rumored case, excrement.
(It was not immediately clear at press time whether the excrement in question was of human origin.)
Problems reportedly began in early fall of last year when Kevin's parents, 34-year-old David Tallman and his wife, 33-year-old Wendy, moved to the area from economically-depressed Fargo, ND in order for David to pursue a career change. Upon young Kevin's enrollment at Hoover Junior High, a group of older, bigger kids took an immediate disliking to him, and began to dedicate a significant portion of their time and energy into letting the boy know this in as many humiliating and violent ways possible within their limited means. Based on independent eyewitness reports, these incidents have included (but have not been limited to) locking him in the girls' lavatory, "pantsing" him in the cafeteria, knocking his books out of his hands in the hallway between classes, pouring bottles of urine into the ventilation slots of his assigned locker, throwing school supplies at his head, and body-checking him into stationary objects in an attempt to cause him physical harm, as well as make him appear clumsy.
Further, in at least one alleged incident, a newsletter-style publication called "Kevin Smalldick Sucks Ass" was produced with desktop-publishing software, printed and distributed to over 200 students before school officials became aware of what was happening. The brochure-style document contained crudely altered photos of the boy violating livestock and dancing ballet in a frilly tutu, as well as several "news reports" on potentially-embarrassing activities Tallman had supposedly recently engaged in. These included possibly-falsified stories of the boy "humping maiboxes," taking baths in raw sewage, and using his mother's "wrinkle cream" as an improvised masturbation lubricant. The document also contained at least one set of parody song lyrics accusing the boy of homosexuality, and alleging that he was born inter-sexed (expressed as, "Kevin Smalldick is a hermafferdite [sic]").
Reports on just what the boy has done to deserve such treatment vary widely.
"Whatever. Kevin Smalldick is a total dork," says Charles "Chaz" Davis, 12, one of the boys alleged to have participated in the creation of the "newsletter." "This one time, I saw him eating boogers at the bus stop. He totally looked right at me looking at him, and he didn't care. He just kept on eating 'em.
"They were big, slimy green ones, too," added Davis. "It was totally gross."
Another boy accused of harassing Tallman, 12-year-old Richard "Dickie" Severin Jr., corroborates Davis' accusations. "Yeah, Smalldick totally eats booger sandwiches for lunch. Plus he won't get in the shower after gym class," Severin adds. "Everyone knows it's because he has a vergina [sic]. I wish he would, 'cuz maybe then he wouldn't stink so bad."
"I don't even know him. Leave me alone," said 12-year-old Megan Dubois, a fellow Hoover Student upon whom it is speculated Tallman has a schoolboy crush.
This theory apparently came to light after a recent incident in which Severin appropriated Tallman's three-subject Mead notebook from an unattended backpack, and discovered several pages that were filled with nothing but Dubois' name written over and over again in cursive script, and encircled by hearts. There was evidently also a short, three-stanza poem in which alleged author Tallman compared Dubois' eyes to the sky, and her hair to gold.
"I heard he likes to sniff his own poop, anyway," remarked Dubois, before quickly walking away.
"I don't understand it," said Kevin's mother Wendy during an interview at the family's modest duplex-style home in Eden Prairie. "Kevin is a sweet boy. He never had trouble making friends at his old school. But ever since we moved here so David could find work again, it's been hard. For some reason, they just can't stop antagonizing him. Either David, or I, or both of us have had to go in to speak with the principal at Hoover at least a dozen times since the start of the school year."
Her eyes grow moist as she recalls having to replace Kevin's clothing due to tears, strangely unpleasant-smelling stains, and the appearance of hastily-scrawled profanity (which had apparently been drawn upon it in permanent marker during several instances where the boy was held down by classmates after school).
"My son is not a 'little fag'," she asserts, her voice quivering. "Maybe he's a little small for his age, but I know he likes girls."
David Tallman, the boy's father, could not be reached for comment, as he was reportedly putting in extra hours at work in order to help ease some of the family's debt from his sustained period of unemployment prior to their relocation.
On one of their many visits to the school, Kevin's parents Wendy (left) and David
Tallman examine graffiti on the exterior wall of Hoover Junior High reading, "KEVIN
TALLMEN FUX DOBBERMANS [sic]" before its removal by maintenance personnel.
Tallman examine graffiti on the exterior wall of Hoover Junior High reading, "KEVIN
TALLMEN FUX DOBBERMANS [sic]" before its removal by maintenance personnel.
For his part, Hoover Principal Carl Schuster takes a hard line.
"I'm aware of what's been happening in reference to the Tallman boy," said Schuster said when reached by telephone at his office. "And I've made it very clear that Herbert Hoover Junior High School has a 'Zero-Tolerance' policy when it comes to bullying. We take every allegation very seriously, investigate thoroughly, and appropriately discipline those determined to be responsible for the instigation."
But even Schuster admits that the punishment options available for correcting offenders are limited, and only marginally effective at best. He also reluctantly agrees that disciplinary action taken against Tallman's alleged assailants hasn't seemed to dissuade them in the slightest.
"Years ago, we used to be able to paddle students who bullied others," he said. "Of course, nowadays, we can't be as eye-for-an-eye when it comes to teaching kids what it feels like to get picked on by someone bigger than them, or we're setting ourselves up for lawsuits."
He adds, "If you ask me, though, I wouldn't mind bringing it back."
Some methods the school has used in order to penalize students they determine to be bullies have included traditional approaches like mandatory counseling sessions and after-school detention, as well as other less-conventional approaches such as assigning students to assist the custodial staff in cafeteria cleanup, and posting the bullies' names on a "Wall of Shame" in the school's front lobby.
"Okay, so maybe that last one backfired a little," admits Schuster. "Some of the kids saw being on the list as some sort of badge of honor, almost like an athletic ranking," he says. "A few of them even jockeyed for position, acting up again if they felt they had been removed unfairly.
"So...yeah. That one didn't last too long," he added.
Former lobby location of Hoover Junior High "Bully Wall of Shame," now
replaced by a hastily-assembled athletic trophy case.
replaced by a hastily-assembled athletic trophy case.
Sadly, the harsh treatment of young Kevin Tallman doesn't appear as though it will abate any time soon. Just prior to this story's deadline, reports have come in that Tallman is currently in the office of Hoover school Nurse Betty Bromfield, where she is assessing possible damage to the boy's buttocks and genitals. This is as a result of what onlookers described as an "epic atomic wedgie" sustained by Tallman as he attempted to pass a basketball to a fellow "skins" teammate Curtis Jackson during fourth-period Physical Education class.
"I totally bet it didn't even hurt," sneers "Chaz" Davis, accused administrator of the aforementioned forceful upward yank of Tallman's white, boys' size S undergarment into his natal cleft. "It's not like he's got any actual balls, or anything."
Attempts to reach Kevin Tallman for comment on this story were inconclusive as of press time.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Barney Spank'd!
Barney Frank ain't tryin' to hear that townhall tomfoolery shit, suckahz:
D-aaamn! I can't tell... is that Barney Frank or Pete Sampras?
'cuz your azz just got straight served, stupid lady!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
DoF Newswire: Breaking News
Monday, August 17, 2009
How to Tell if Your Teacher is Hung Over
By Merton Sussex, Hair of the Doggy-Style
Hey, kids! It's that time of year again! Time for lots more classes, lots more books, and lots more teachers' dirty looks. In other words, it's time to utter the three most dreaded words in the English language, provided you're 18 or under:
"Back to School."
Of course, I'm speaking in a pragmatic, literal sense. Thanks to seasonal retail creep (which has just gotten worse since most stores are struggling to survive a recession economy), you've been hearing it's time for "Back to School" since before the end of Spring Break. But now, it's mid-August, and shit has gotten decidedly real. Point is, if you don't have your ruler, pencil, notebook and eraser supply chain squared away by NOW, it's too fucking late. So you'd best hustle your ass to the Dollar Store before the only folders left are the ones proudly emblazoned with unlicensed, watered-down, half-assed Harry Potter knockoffs. Because it's going to be a mighty hungry year when all your lunch money is routinely stolen due to your new status as your school's resident pariah.
However, all the pristine, socially-acceptable Hannah Jonas' High School McMusical Princess pencil boxes in the known universe can't prepare you for EVERY eventuality you'll face in the coming scholastic term. Especially being as the perfect-storm cocktail of shit economic conditions, a shortage of qualified people, a lower bar on certificate criteria and the fact that nobody else under the sun is currently hiring means that you're probably going to be receiving your precious education from a "Teacher" whose last "job" was bartending (i.e., pouring liquor down the throats of people who were still lucid enough to order drinks, but had long since kissed off the motor skills necessary to actually consume them). That is, when they weren't busy dumping enough booze to put a midget into a coma down their OWN gullet. And chances are, growing up, getting responsible and being placed in charge of shaping young minds is something that only happened once they realized their student loan deferments had run out, so it's not exactly as though the transition from party animal to scholastic champ will be what they refer to as "seamless."
Which brings us to the overall thrust of today's little lesson. It's one you won't learn from a book, but it's no less crucial than the ones you will. Namely, our coursework for today is - "How to Tell if Your Teacher is Hung Over." So, following are a handful of ways you might be able to reliably determine that the shepherd of your future may actually have fewer remaining brain cells than any of his or her students:
When you walk in, he's handing the ladder-toting Janitor a limp twenty, and all of the fluorescent tubes above his desk are suspiciously missing.
Her eyelids are permanently affixed at half-mast, and she's got so much concealer daubed under her eyes themselves that it looks like she painted on some Wite-Out™ from her desk drawer.
The bottle of Excedrin Migraine she keeps next to the vase with the plastic flowers in it was full on Friday, now the only thing left inside is the little "Do Not Eat" thingy.
He's wearing Ray-Bans, the shades are pulled, and your room faces the south side of the building.
She creams her coffee with Milk of Magnesia.
He's wearing the same clothes he left in on Friday.
Your Geography lesson involves helping her find her car keys.
Your oral exam is canceled in favor of "I don't care what you do...Just please do it quietly."
He hands out an "A for the day" to the kid who gives him a bite of his Egg McMuffin.
She winces and grimaces visibly whenever the chalk squeaks.
He loses his place in the middle of a lecture, forgets where he is for a minute, then absent-mindedly tries to two-finger smoke his pen.
A crudely-drawn cheek-penis is ejaculating Sharpie sperm in the general direction of his mouth under the protective auspice of the block-printed "FUCKIN DOOCHEBAG [sic]" adorning his forehead.
She stops abruptly, and leaves the room very, very quickly in the middle of discussing the party chapter of "The Great Gatsby."
You realize that the growing sweat stains on his shirt have a decidedly brownish tinge right around the same time you notice the room is starting to take on the faint-but-distinctive bouquet of spoiled produce.
She says "Welcome to Study Hall" when it's supposed to be History class, and when you protest, she shrugs her shoulders, puts her head down on her desk, and doesn't move until the bell rings.
He keeps using the Bunsen burners to heat a rapidly-emptying coffee pot.
Nobody has the heart to tell her that she's trailing around a used condom stuck to the bottom of her shoe.
The syllabus says your Health class is supposed to be working on infectious diseases, but for some reason, the line of discussion segues half-a-dozen times into the dangers of excessive intoxicant ingestion.
In Home Ec class, she announces that you're having an impromptu pancake-making contest, and appoints herself the judge.
The Student Teacher takes over for the hour, which your teacher then spends lying under his desk, sobbing softly.
The closer it gets to lunch, the more wet, deep, fragrant belches seem to interrupt the lecture.
The vocabulary word for the day is "borborygmus."
Every time you ask a question, he sighs, squints his eyes shut, pinches the bridge of his nose and says, "Just...just gimme a minute, okay?"
She's still wearing a plastic hospital bracelet, but she doesn't seem injured.
His shoes have what looks like dried oatmeal residue in the seams and the sole tread.
It takes her an hour to get her muffin down, and she chews every bite for at least five minutes.
He keeps taking the cap off a bottle of water, then sitting there for a second before sighing, and replacing the cap.
And the #1 way to tell if your teacher is hung over...
Hey, kids! It's that time of year again! Time for lots more classes, lots more books, and lots more teachers' dirty looks. In other words, it's time to utter the three most dreaded words in the English language, provided you're 18 or under:
"Back to School."
Of course, I'm speaking in a pragmatic, literal sense. Thanks to seasonal retail creep (which has just gotten worse since most stores are struggling to survive a recession economy), you've been hearing it's time for "Back to School" since before the end of Spring Break. But now, it's mid-August, and shit has gotten decidedly real. Point is, if you don't have your ruler, pencil, notebook and eraser supply chain squared away by NOW, it's too fucking late. So you'd best hustle your ass to the Dollar Store before the only folders left are the ones proudly emblazoned with unlicensed, watered-down, half-assed Harry Potter knockoffs. Because it's going to be a mighty hungry year when all your lunch money is routinely stolen due to your new status as your school's resident pariah.
However, all the pristine, socially-acceptable Hannah Jonas' High School McMusical Princess pencil boxes in the known universe can't prepare you for EVERY eventuality you'll face in the coming scholastic term. Especially being as the perfect-storm cocktail of shit economic conditions, a shortage of qualified people, a lower bar on certificate criteria and the fact that nobody else under the sun is currently hiring means that you're probably going to be receiving your precious education from a "Teacher" whose last "job" was bartending (i.e., pouring liquor down the throats of people who were still lucid enough to order drinks, but had long since kissed off the motor skills necessary to actually consume them). That is, when they weren't busy dumping enough booze to put a midget into a coma down their OWN gullet. And chances are, growing up, getting responsible and being placed in charge of shaping young minds is something that only happened once they realized their student loan deferments had run out, so it's not exactly as though the transition from party animal to scholastic champ will be what they refer to as "seamless."
Which brings us to the overall thrust of today's little lesson. It's one you won't learn from a book, but it's no less crucial than the ones you will. Namely, our coursework for today is - "How to Tell if Your Teacher is Hung Over." So, following are a handful of ways you might be able to reliably determine that the shepherd of your future may actually have fewer remaining brain cells than any of his or her students:
When you walk in, he's handing the ladder-toting Janitor a limp twenty, and all of the fluorescent tubes above his desk are suspiciously missing.
Her eyelids are permanently affixed at half-mast, and she's got so much concealer daubed under her eyes themselves that it looks like she painted on some Wite-Out™ from her desk drawer.
The bottle of Excedrin Migraine she keeps next to the vase with the plastic flowers in it was full on Friday, now the only thing left inside is the little "Do Not Eat" thingy.
He's wearing Ray-Bans, the shades are pulled, and your room faces the south side of the building.
She creams her coffee with Milk of Magnesia.
He's wearing the same clothes he left in on Friday.
Your Geography lesson involves helping her find her car keys.
Your oral exam is canceled in favor of "I don't care what you do...Just please do it quietly."
He hands out an "A for the day" to the kid who gives him a bite of his Egg McMuffin.
She winces and grimaces visibly whenever the chalk squeaks.
He loses his place in the middle of a lecture, forgets where he is for a minute, then absent-mindedly tries to two-finger smoke his pen.
A crudely-drawn cheek-penis is ejaculating Sharpie sperm in the general direction of his mouth under the protective auspice of the block-printed "FUCKIN DOOCHEBAG [sic]" adorning his forehead.
She stops abruptly, and leaves the room very, very quickly in the middle of discussing the party chapter of "The Great Gatsby."
You realize that the growing sweat stains on his shirt have a decidedly brownish tinge right around the same time you notice the room is starting to take on the faint-but-distinctive bouquet of spoiled produce.
She says "Welcome to Study Hall" when it's supposed to be History class, and when you protest, she shrugs her shoulders, puts her head down on her desk, and doesn't move until the bell rings.
He keeps using the Bunsen burners to heat a rapidly-emptying coffee pot.
Nobody has the heart to tell her that she's trailing around a used condom stuck to the bottom of her shoe.
The syllabus says your Health class is supposed to be working on infectious diseases, but for some reason, the line of discussion segues half-a-dozen times into the dangers of excessive intoxicant ingestion.
In Home Ec class, she announces that you're having an impromptu pancake-making contest, and appoints herself the judge.
The Student Teacher takes over for the hour, which your teacher then spends lying under his desk, sobbing softly.
The closer it gets to lunch, the more wet, deep, fragrant belches seem to interrupt the lecture.
The vocabulary word for the day is "borborygmus."
Every time you ask a question, he sighs, squints his eyes shut, pinches the bridge of his nose and says, "Just...just gimme a minute, okay?"
She's still wearing a plastic hospital bracelet, but she doesn't seem injured.
His shoes have what looks like dried oatmeal residue in the seams and the sole tread.
It takes her an hour to get her muffin down, and she chews every bite for at least five minutes.
He keeps taking the cap off a bottle of water, then sitting there for a second before sighing, and replacing the cap.
And the #1 way to tell if your teacher is hung over...
He makes this guy look good.
So there you have it. And remember, kids...if your teacher IS hung over? The best thing you can do for him or her is to ensure the levels of ambient noise and light remain consistently toward the top of the range of what is normally acceptable, with the odd spike into the realm of what usually gets you into trouble. After all...not only will Headache McNausea not be going to any heroic measures to get the Principal involved, but in creating an inhospitable environment for "Teech," you'll be imparting a lesson equal to (if not greater than) the ones being conveyed unto you.
Who says education has to be a one-way street?
Who says education has to be a one-way street?
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