The end is near, kids.
Only two years left.
Sure, one of the founders of the Methodist Church predicted it to be 1794, and was wrong.
Sure, the progressive Jehovah's Witness folk predicted it'd all come crashing down in 1914. Then 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975 and 1994, etc.
And of course, 2000. Soothsayer and well-known psychic Busta Rhymes was so sure of it, he made a (rather under-rated) album about it.
But that wasn't predicted by a long-ago extinct civilization that used sun dials, and had CALENDARS!!! THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!?!?!
So...it must be all over. And if my subscriptions to Conspiracy Fancy have paid off, (which they have,) they have told me that the Liberal media will have planted clues to their grand scheme to spite us.
So after years of research, we have found out the game Space Invaders is actually an 8-bit dramatization of the upcoming events.
Prepare with caution, my people. If you need me December 22nd, 2012, I'll be be in a bombed out "Aladdin's Castle" playing it to learn how to infiltrate their stingy defenses.
Good luck.
Sexy? Go here.
so nice.
So the key to beating the aliens will be to shoot where they're GOING to be, not where they are.
Remember that.
hahahahaa @ moses
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