You know those guys who have no discernible talent, but can watch a movie once and nearly recite it to you, and they proudly lavish you with these "skills" the moment their third Natural Ice goes down.
Well, a natural counter would be a jump-kick to the side-head. But a more passive-aggressive, and therefore funnier approach would be to buy this kick-ass t-shirt, wear it under your worst flannel, and whip it out the second they get into their 18th Anchorman quote. (for the record, that movie still does rule, though.)
***UPDATE FROM LAST WEEK: It seems the fucks from the league office (movie quote) at Zazzle took down our shirt. We had sold a bundle, and it apparently caught the eye of Fox, who cease and desisted the shit out of us. Thats too bad.
We have done the best we can to take the strong concept by Merton and Reno, and make something of it.
We have this option, "That Show made me gay" Its obvious enough, and painfully free of any copyright infringement

And on my personal site, I made a slightly more to the point version.

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