The son of the gods looks for treaties,
'Twixt humans, and popular deities.
Although it looks rousin'
Poor Ray Harryhausen
Is crying fat tears in his Wheaties.

In looking for reasons to marry,
Some couples find quite the contrary.
Some fail, and some don't.
But see this? I won't.
It's just too damn much Tyler Perry.

Some movies have holes in their plots,
With stories all tied up in knots.
Does this one? Of course.
The Vikings were Norse.
But these? They all sound like they're Scots.

I really enjoy Greg Kinnear,
But he's in a stinker, I fear.
This big pile of fail
Might be the last nail
That shuts the lid on his career.

This title's still on the marquee?!?
It seems like forever to me.
At this rate, they're saying
It still could be playing
Long after it hits DVD.
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