Friday, March 13, 2009

The Breakfast of Champions

A post inspired by co-workers eating chocolate cake for breakfast today -- here's a classic Bill Cosby bit on the topic. Seriously, if the only Bill Cosby you know is from The Cosby Show or Pudding Pop commercials, do yourself a favor and watch some of his stand-up from back in the day. He truly is the most gifted comedian/story teller of all time. Not even close. Richard Pryor is a distant 2nd (and I LOOOOOVE me some Richard Pryor) and here's why: his act is as funny to me now as it was when I was 6 years old and in the backseat listening to his tapes on the long trip to grandma's house and struggling to breathe between hysterical cackles. 



Lucy Parker said...

I effing love Bill Cosby's stand up! I remember watching this shiz as a kid and dying of laughter, this has completely made my day! Thank you Blaine!

Reno Gruber said...

Agreed, I even got picture pages as a kid I loved the 'Cos so much.

Anonymous said...

I got sucked into watching this movie of Bill Cosby's stand-up a couple of months ago. Perhaps the most shocking (even moreso now than when it was recorded) was when we expressed confusion over why people would do cocaine. Apparently the most common answer was that it would intensify your personality. To which he had to ask:

"But what if you're an asshole?"