Friday, March 20, 2009

The Undead Menace

Merton Sussex, Dual-Wielder

So, the other day, I realized I was fresh out of vinegar, light bulbs and Vienna Sausage, and had to leave the house. And, while I was at my neighborhood supply depot, I saw that they had a new item on the shelves. It was an "Emergency Kit." Inside was a flashlight, a radio, basic first aid kit...the usual suspects. The outside of the box indicated that it's good for situations like tornadoes, floods, storms, earthquakes, and the like.

And, I'm sure it is.

But I'm sorry...These days, I'm of the strong opinion that no "emergency kit" is really complete unless it includes at least SOME provision for helping the purchaser survive the sudden, unexpected appearance of hordes of the shambling undead.

Here's the thing: All American men of a certain demographic have been conditioned to understand that the Necropalypse is inevitable. Whether it's a secret government experiment gone awry, a horrible super-virus that arises due to evolution over a shorter microbe life-cycle, or even an extraterrestrial infection, we know in our hearts that it's a matter of "when," and not "if." However, the upshot of that is, along with this conditioning comes at least some modicum of preparation. Thanks to comics, movies, video games and the Internet, we've been set up by our entertainment to deal with World War Z as best we can when it comes.

As for me, I have a zombie-emergency plan in place. I've already set up an escape route, and I've got the perfect place to go. And no, I'm not sharing. There's only enough room for me, and a carefully-selected group of friends and loved ones carefully and specifically chosen for their cunning, reflexes, and complimentary team-based survival skills.


Because I have a vested interest in ensuring the survival of humans as a species, I worry about people like Edith T. Greenhorn of Buttocks, Arkansas. She's 56. She's never bought a copy of "Fangoria." She has no idea who George Romero or Sam Raimi are. She couldn't possibly understand that aiming your shotgun properly and at extremely close range can disable multiple zombies at once, and is essential to conserving your shells. And she thinks a chainsaw is really only for cutting trees down. That's pitiable! These people need a fighting chance! If humans are going to survive, we've got to get the word out to everyone!

Picture this: Imagine YOU'RE the one who's escorting them to higher ground, trying to keep them alive long enough for them to give you the password/antidote/government secrets, and/or slapping them in their hopelessly clueless, blubbering faces as the swarm stumbles nearer, arms outstretched and moaning? It's going to be an uglier-than-necessary day for everyone involved.

They never teach the really useful life skills in school, do they?

Look, you can prepare for the standard, garden-variety crises all you want. Fire, whatever. Floods, sure. But if you're REALLY serious, you also need to come up with a C.R.A.P. - A Corpse-Reanimation Action Plan.

Think I'm kidding? Then THIS will be a wake-up call. As is true in so many areas in life, THE JAPANESE ARE WAY AHEAD OF US. They are already training their children in zombie-repelling tactics. Witness THIS:

Sure, the audience is laughing. BUT THE KIDS AREN'T. This is a DRILL. They know the score, because Japan has always taken the threat of the zombie menace more seriously. And yes, maybe a bucket of sponges and a roll of Saran Wrap wouldn't be AS effective as, say, an AR-15 and a machete, but at least they're DOING something. And that sort of peace-of-mind is important.

So, because I care, here's a little something to get you started. With help from Knarf, I've put together a top-ten list of crucial zombie-swarm survival tips:

1) Pack light, and keep moving.
2) Cut your hair short.
3) Wear tight-fitting clothes.
4) Own at least a .38 revolver, and keep it handy. (If possible, also own a reliable carbine rifle, a shotgun, and one of those small ice-climbing picks. An axe or large hatchet is also essential for destroying the stairs leading to the second floor of your hideaway.) In addition, always keep ONE bullet apart from the others in a safe place on your person.
5) Be as quiet as possible.
6) No place is safe; only safer.
7) Retreating to cold climates seems like a good idea, but winter is just as hampering to your survival as it is to the ghoul's mobility. Mountainous regions are your best bet. Avoid cities, swamplands, hillbillies, and large bodies of water.
8) Don't be afraid to loot. Hardware stores are your friend, but MALLS are a deathtrap.
9) DO NOT GET BITTEN. If you are bitten, it is your duty to use the single bullet from item 4 in the most honorable way possible.
10) Most important of all: ALWAYS AIM FOR THE HEAD.

This guy: Fucked, sure. But not quite as fucked as he seems to the untrained eye.

No matter what, it is your responsibility to persevere. Your delicious brains are both the only thing that will save you, and the one thing the enemy wants more than anything else.

In other words: Keep your head figuratively, and you stand a better chance of keeping it literally.


Frank White said...

Most crucial is figuring out what type of reanimated corpse you are dealing with:


This should be fairly easy to determine; just monitor the behavior of the most intact available specimens. If they are slow, classic ghouls, all the standard rules apply. If shots to the head aren't working, it is most likely because you only damaged the frontal lobes, which are unused by the reanimant. Aim lower and more to the center of the face; the bridge of the nose is a good rule of thumb for aiming. Only damage to the brain's motor centers and cerebellum will incapacitate. The rest of the brain is just fatty meat.

If your attackers are fast, then things get much more complicated.


Surprisingly hard to determine when dealing with sprinting zombies, if you notice non-headshots downing horde-members, then you are most likely dealing with a viral infection rather than a true reanimation event. On the plus side, these "zombies" can be easily defeated in a war of attrition. They will eventually succumb to hunger, thirst, their wounds, or the elements while you play Gin rummy in your bunker or well defended apartment. Unfortunately, viral zombie outbreaks spread incredibly fast, and the horde's infection can be transmitted through means beyond the simple bite. Additionally, the virus may cause further mutations; don't shine flashlights on women sobbing in the middle of the street and watch out for corpulent walking tumors making "urping" noises.

If only headshots take the suckers down, then you've got a case of traditional zombies that can still sprint, but even the thought of such a thing is patently ridiculous.

Holy shit, Knarf. Nothing is working!

Nothing? You tried shooting them in the head? Some of them are fast, too? Wait. Are they able to talk, even if all they say is "braaaaaiinnns"?

If they can still talk, but are definitely dead and trying to eat you, then you, dear reader, are dealing with Russo zombies and are totally fucked. Headshots won't work, dismembering them won't work, and burning them to ashes will only release more zombie creating Trioxin in to the atmosphere. Be thankful that the bite you have no doubt already received won't kill you, but I doubt you're going to escape with your skull intact.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have never had the urge to own a gun until now. Seriously, Merton, you know how utterly scared I am of zombies...

Frank White said...

Also, you need to get Xbox live and a copy of Left 4 Dead. Stat.

Lucy Parker said...

I've always felt that I would be impeccably ruthless in the defense of my life and those I love, especially if those threatening it are zombies.

I took archery lessons as a child at summer camp and I have great aim with weapons as a result; I am also super stealthy and quick on the run. I was able to sneak up on a group of friends at a bonfire once with out one person noticing me, to which I quickly exclaimed "I'm John Wilkes Booth Bitch!!" and then ran.

Merton Sussex said...

All of these reasons and more are why you three are some the people on my Zombie Squad, and have been trusted with the secret location of The Fortress.

You all know who you are. And if you don't, you're not. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Hate to leave you twisting in the wind, but better that than *I* wind up twisting through some undead fuck's lower intestines.

Reno Gruber said...

First, Left 4 Dead is amazing.

Second, I'm certain in any zombie situation, I'd be a tough kill for those. My obvious choice would be re-animation zombies. While tougher, they are more predictable. Downside being that whats the end game when the dead come back to life? I mean at least a viral would be something you could hopefully outlive, (as Knarf alluded to.)

While slow and prodding, a surprising nimbleness combining with my Irish temper would be excellent with man made and found objects.

Stick and move, motherfuckers.

Stick and move.

Lucy Parker said...

p.s. that video just solidified the fact that I think Asian kids are the cutest and that I would like to adopt one

OH and those kids were effing brave!!! I wish I could understand what they were saying! Battle to the death, now it makes perfect sense why the battles in the Pacific were particularly gruesome in WWII.

blaine_fridley said...

my zombie preparedness is woeful.

i'm just not ready for it. kinda like if i had to take my shoes off at somebody's house right this minute.

John Marshall said...

"3) Wear tight-fitting clothes."

see, now that would just accentuate certain body parts that i would think would make me seem more delectable to the undead. they still have urges, no?

i'll stick with the sagging baggy jeans and oversized hoodie combo that has enabled inner-city youth to effectively evade police officers for so many years...

Frank White said...

If you are good enough with a bow and arrow to get 'em through the eye sockets, Lucy, I'm hanging out with you. It's the next best thing to having a silenced sniper rifle.

mary doyle said...

am i the only one who is bothered by the sexual picture of lenny kravitz?

also, the little boy (#05) sounds like and reminds me of Data from the goonies... they have the same voice... do all asians/chinese have the same voice?!?

Merton Sussex said...

No. And for god's sake, they don't all look the same, either.


Frank White said...

Now who's being naive, Merton?

They are grown in cloning vats too. Vast fields of cloning vats.

Oh wait, these people are clearly fucking Japanese. They aren't grown in vats; they come from the sky.

blaine_fridley said...

@mert, knarf-

hahaha! i love you 2 more than you'll ever know.

Anonymous said...

well.. it's like I thought!