Monday, March 09, 2009

The Intellectual Scrapheap: Not-So-Deep Thoughts from the Mind of Blaine Fridley

Growing up Catholic, one thing I always heard was that people are made in God's image.

As I stood in line thinking about this at the grocery store, I realized that this might be the most damaging blow ever handed to God's credibility.

You're tellin' me Yahweh spends 20 minutes after all his items have been rung up fumbling for his coupons too? And then spends another 15 minutes squabbling about the receipt and what Kellog's products are or are not eligible for coupon redemption? And then - after manager intervention - relents and takes another 5 minutes to go back to the cereal aisle to pick the correct size of Cracklin' Oat Bran? And then has the audacity to actually write out a check?*

Excuse me for saying so, but I don't think I like God very much.

[*Please, banks. Stop printing out checks. If your clients can't figure out PayPal or debit cards, just give them their money back along with a coffee can and a shovel.]


Tajmccall said...

This last January I saw a guy in cut off sweatpants nearly cause a riot inside of a Subway because they wouldn't let him pay for his chicken bacon ranch with a check.

I was about to offer to pay for his until he went on a tirade.

To think, he was 14 seconds from a free sub.

Anonymous said...

i hate the elderly with so much of every part of my being. having had similar experiences, i've decided to call it quits at 60.