Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The DoF Childcare Corner: Tip of the Day

Today's Tip:
Do NOT store windshield wiper fluid in the fridge.

"Let's see, we've got soda, SunnyD, purple stuff, windshield wiper fluid…"

Click HERE for larger version

"OH YEEAAAAH!!! oh. oh no... ummm... So who wants to take a ride in an ambulance?"


Anonymous said...

That completely looks like a house in my neighborhood...it's not, but still.

Anonymous said...

It's that whole blasted blue-raspberry/blue whatever berry craze that's swept through the Kool-Aid/Crappy sugary drinks the past few years. I mean, there's no blue food for a reason (so you don't get confused and drink windshield wiper fluid, freshly harvested from swamps in western Asia).

The Husky Bro said...

windshield wiper fluid or sunny d? Can I have the windshield wiper fluid with some ice?