Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It begins.

By Reno Gruber, Libertarian nut-job (and potential terrorist in the state of Missouri)

The totality of changes going on at a Federal level are something that nobody can truly comprehend right now. It's all happening at such an alarming pace, when the truth comes out, it could be pure chaos.

Let's take a quick gander at what's going on.


This bill makes the government the sole power to decide who can own guns. Now many may say, "But Reno, who really needs to arm themselves?" Well, besides violating the 2nd amendment, creating a central clearinghouse ran by the central government to decide who can even own a gun is far too much control for any bumbling government. But let's put a pin in that one, shall we?


This bill seems OK at first glance. It is supposed to deride against corporate bulling tactics that are regularly employed in situations where people try to organize a union. It says if you collect 50% of the employees with union cards, it is certified. The secret Ballots are now a thing of the past. So you'd think that would be counter-productive against bullying. Labor says it'll be "more efficient."However it has another fatal flaw. If negotiations stall between the newly recognized union and company for four months while hammering out collective bargaining, the bill puts an arbitration board named by the federal government in full control of what any labor-management contract will look like for at least two years.

The bill potentially puts your neighborhood arbitrator-commissars in charge of how the private sector will behave, except in states like Virginia that bar exclusive union rights. This has very dangerous implications.


House Bill 875, which is sponsored by Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), seeks to reduce or eliminate the danger of distance by establishing a new federal Food Safety Administration (FSA) that would superintend and regulate all food production facilities, from the smallest farms to the biggest processors. In other words, HB 875 would give the federal government dictatorial authority over the entire food chain of the USA.HB 875 and its Food Safety Administration (FSA)
• Binds all State and County Departments of Agriculture to federal authority
• Criminalizes alternative farming methods, such as “organic.”
Superintends everyone who grows food, whether they sell it or not.
• Superintends the production of meat of any kind.
• Allows the FSA, or its agents, physical access to all farms.
• Allows the FSA, or its agents, to copy all farm documents.
• Forces farmers who sell direct to consumers to make their customer lists available to FSA, or its agents.
• Grants FSA, or its agents, authority to punish rule-breakers with fines of up to $1 million per day.
• Allows FSA to hire industry leaders to decide how program would be administered.

Hope you don't like growing your own food. Or, ya know...being able to feed yourself. The government will do that for you, pleb. Or defend yourself. They'll do that too.

I try to make it quite clear I'm a staunch, (weirdo) libertarian. (I say weirdo, because that's pretty much the initial reaction most have.) Let's be honest, some people just want government to stay out of their business because they are weirdos. (God bless em.) But other warm-blooded, well-read Americans actually like the ability to choose their methods of food and work, or who they choose to follow.

In Missouri, cops are now supposed to be on the lookout for people who choose to follow Rep. Ron Paul, citing they are potential terrorists. (They did elect John Ashcroft, after all.)


So my Dad, who couldn't be more of a 'rah-rah' American type, in Missouri should be considered a possible terrorist because he supported a particular candidate? While our president just hired Tony West, who defended "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh? (I know, kind of a specious argument but it sounded cute.)

This is not the change "we" voted for. You were lied to, and you should be angry. These over-reaching, central-authority bills and amendments to our sovereignty are what large governments do to get larger and even more powerful.

It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you sit, you know that Orwell was prophetic when he said "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Begin tracking these bills being launched on sites like www.opencongress.org and take control of whats happening. Even if you think Reno is a paranoid douchefucker, at least do your own research and come up with your own opinions, even if it takes a few hours to go through.

You don't want a modern socialism people. Ask anyone in Germany, North Korea or the Eastern Bloc how that turns out for the middle class. (Although it is fucking sweet for the proletariat!)

I hate writing stuff like this because it's grim and makes me sound kooky, I get it. But this stuff is happening. If it becomes a depression type-situation and people have restrictions on the food they can grow and how they can defend themselves or their property...well you make your own deductions.


blaine_fridley said...

some good ranting, reno. though, bundling north korea's brand of "socialism" with germany's is a bit of a stretch, your points are well taken. my biggest fear is obama supporters figuring their job was done as soon as he was announced the winner, failing to realize it's up to them to hold the current admin accountable for the change that was promised. if anything, they should be riding his ass, criticizing and questioning this admin as much or more than the last. the change people want commands waaay more effort beyond an obama yardsign or a "yes we can" bumper sticker.

Reno Gruber said...

Agreed their levels of control were different, but they are both the same brands of awful, spawned only in a society where central control is had.

Anonymous said...

Nader '12! Whooo! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Reno -
President Obama says you're gonna eat your Federally Approved Solient Green, and you're gonna like it! First ingredient: Ron Paul Supporters. They didn't put up much of a fight after President Obama took their guns away.

Reno Gruber said...

I'd take Paul/Kucinich '12!

Frank White said...

Dang... Obi just scored his first Zero on the Slate Change-o-meter.

Now you see why Knarf only blogs about zombies and poo: you can trust them. Poo will always stink, and zombies will always try to eat your delicious brains.