Monday, March 02, 2009

Stoner Confucius says...

"To live by the rule of "everything in moderation" is to rob one's self of the sheer awesomeness of excess. For instance, 1 peaunut butter cup is good. But a bag of peaunut butter cups in the deep fryer? That shit right there, son? That shit right there? ah-MAZING."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To truly live by the rule of "moderation in all things" means also being moderate in your moderation. Especially when confronted with a bag of peanut butter cups that have been deep fried. This, of course, assumes two things: 1. The peanut butter cups have been removed from the bag and the wrappers (never underestimate the stonedness of a stoner) and, 2. You don't have a peanut allergy (again assuming you don't wish to off yourself through anaphylactic shock).