For the uninitiated:
Renowned indie auteur/screenwriter Kevin Smith (he of "Clerks," "Chasing Amy" and the upcoming "Cop Out") was recently "asked" to disembark a Southwest Airlines flight...for being too fat. The airline's contention was that his size posed a "security risk," being as in the event of an accident, other passengers would have difficulty getting around him to escape. Apparently lost in their reasoning was the fact that in your average airway disaster, having a spot of bother circumventing the portly fellow in the next seat is rarely an issue, on account'a the flames, flying debris, and giant sucking holes in the cabin hull all representing slightly more pressing concerns.
The ludicrous nature of Southwest's concerns notwithstanding, maybe they should have checked their records. Because all of this happened despite the fact that according to CNN, Mr. Smith is something of a frequent flier, having bought no less than 10 Southwest tickets just that week. maybe I'm nuts, but there's something to be said for that sort of frequent-flyership.
The thing is, Smith KNOWS he's a tub of shit. He refers to himself as such constantly. In his series of laugh-out-loud funny "An Evening with Kevin Smith" DVD's (featuring college and general-audience Q&A's), he outlines his struggles with his weight in hilariously self-deprecating detail. Shit, he writes movies where the other characters refer to his as "Tubby" and "Tons-o'-Fun." Even so...acknowledging your body issues on your OWN terms is one thing...but making headlines for them is something else entirely.
More tragic yet is that the aforementioned ten tickets were all for him...And he'd bought them for a total of five flights. Which means that he had ALREADY copped to their asinine policy that passengers deemed "too fat to fly" are required to purchase a whole extra seat in order to accommodate their girth. Seats he didn't even really NEED (because he was more than able to fit in the seat, as well as buckle the safety belt), but that they forced him to buy anyway.
So what was the problem? Well, he got bumped to standby on the flight in question. No problem...frequent travelers know this kind of shit happens. But when they found him a seat on a different flight, it was just one seat. Which means, in essence, that he paid for TWO seats, and in fact received ZERO.
So, you see.
The backlash was swift and immediate. It wasn't just that Southwest had fucked over a prominent celebrity...It was that they had fucked over a prominent, internet-savvy, self-aware and unapologetically self-promoting celebrity with legions and legions of slavishly devoted followers...all of whom had undeniable geek cred, and all of which were more than ready to set the entire internet on fire with scathing invective condemning Southwest as the second coming of HitlerSatan. All they needed was a dispatch from their Fearless Leader in the form of a Tweet, message board post, podcast or blog.
All of which is what they got.
It's been entertaining watching the P.R. department of Southwest fall all over themselves trying to backpedal, apologize and do damage control in the wake of this. Point is, they fucked over the wrong random fat dude, and it bit them in their asses. Smith is standing up for himself, refusing to back down, and scorching the earth with the power of his raw hatred. And the world is feeling his power.
And if THAT doesn't qualify as a Great Moment in Fat History, I don't know what would.
That totally sucks. Southwest is dumb for not finding him two seats when he was bumped to standby.
HOWEVER,"Which means that he had ALREADY copped to their asinine policy that passengers deemed "too fat to fly" are required to purchase a whole extra seat in order to accommodate their girth." I don't see how this is asinine (having to purchase two seats). At all. Seriously, if a person is so big that they are spilling over into another passenger's seat, they need to buy another ticket.
Interesting legal conundrum. Surely it was unwise from a PR standpoint, and seriously. If you're working PR at SWA and you get that fucking turd on your desk, how do you not contact him immediately and soothe that shit? Is refunding his money and sending him a voucher and maybe a few candy bars that hard? $100 voucher? Sweet. Thanks.
(Candy bars, because he is a fat.)
yeah, totally asinine handling of a completely legit, non-asinine policy.
Sorry, kiddos. I could've been clearer.
The "asinine" part comes in when the policy is applied subjectively. By both his own admission AND Southwest's, Kevin Smith fits just fine in the seat. Doesn't even need a seatbelt extender. Because while he IS a chunky fella, he's not BIG. Dude's only like 5'8". So he FIT just fine.
But Southwest saw a fat dude coming, and started salivating over the prospect of charging a single person for two seats. He wasn't too fat, he was just JUDGED to be too fat be an overzealous ticketing agent who probably had a quota. This, regardless of reality or physics.
I dunno...maybe I'm just over-sensitive because I am a gargantuan mountain of man-meat myself (and yeah, I could sure stand to drop some el-bee'z, but there ain't a damn thing I can do about being 6'5", and with a muscle and bone density my doctor just called "freakishly inhuman" at my yearly checkup this week). And regardless of how much space I take up, I'm still a single person. And to be charged for two in ANY context is at best insulting, and at worst downright infuriating on a human-courtesy level.
Hmmm, I don't know. I've seen some recent full body pics of Kevin Smith and he looks like he should be buying two seats.
I've been stuck on planes next to overweight people who, even though the armrest goes down, are still falling over into my seat. Not cool. Not cool at all. I don't need my space taken up by someone who should have purchased two seats since they can't fit properly into one.
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