Wednesday, February 03, 2010

This Day in History


The first paper money in America was issued by the colony of Massachusetts. Several days later, Governor Simon Bradstreet burst through the front doors of a popular burlesque house proclaiming the arrival of "Daddy Long Stroke" while proceeding to shower performers with the newly printed currency in a theatrical show he called "makin' it rain", the first such case in recorded history.

The U.S. House of Representatives rejected President Ronald Reagan's request for more than $36 million in aid to the Nicaraguan Contras. Meanwhile, a napping Reagan was in the midst of an erotically-charged dream involving Mikhail Gorbachev and reenacted scenes from the film 9 1/2 Weeks.

Iran sent its first domestically made satellite, Omid ("hope"), into orbit. While the motives behind its launch were initially questioned, red-faced global detractors were soon apologizing after learning the satellite was only being used to beam Full House re-runs to the presidential palace.

1 comment:

Merton Sussex said...

Well, it LOOKED innocent, until Ahmadinejad ordered the Olsen twins bathed, draped in fine silks, and brought to his chambers.

I mean, honestly. Has anyone SEEN them lately?