"The Notebook" was schmaltzy and sappy,
But made lots of lady-types happy.
And this horrid blighter
Is from the same writer.
So if you're a fellow? It's crappy.

A planet so verdant and green,
Is raped by the merchant marine.
But when they attack,
The natives fight back.
But THIS one, you've already seen.

A terror conspiracy sprawled
Across all of France has appalled
Our own F.B.I.
So they sent a guy.
Travolta, all pudgy and bald.
When playing the role of a critic,
To say that Mel Gibson's arthritic
Is easy to gather.
And so I would rather
Remind you: He's anti-Semitic.
To say that Mel Gibson's arthritic
Is easy to gather.
And so I would rather
Remind you: He's anti-Semitic.
Ha! Solid.
I loved it! We need more of this on the ol' DOF.
Keeping it light never hurt. Especially after the CRACKED debacle last week.
cracked? never heard of 'em.
Dances with Wolves in SPAAACE!
Cracked Debacle? Yeah I have no idea what you're referencing, J-Mizzle.
(Insert sarcastic emoticon here)
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