Time to see what's new in Crazytown, the ka-RAAAAziest place on Earth!
Oh, hi, mam! Whatchya got there? Cupcakes? Well, that doesn't sound so crazy...
…kaRAAAAzy delicious, maybe! HAHAhahahaahahaooooh, mercy, I'm a kidder.
Really, though, where you goin' with all those delightful looking treats?
To work? That's great! I'm sure everybody will appreciate such a sweet surprise to break up the monotony of the work day! How nice!
So, what's the occasion? Someone's birthday?
Whattaya mean, "not exactly"?
I… I seeeeeeee.
So you ARE fucking crazy:

Go HERE to check out the entire crazy site.

What in the name unholy fuckery? That is a whole new brand of mind-blowing crackpotted insanity.
I wish someone WOULD offer me cupcakes with that pretense in mind. Mostly because cupcakes are delicious.
"Bring in a tray of cupcakes for any group of people and you will find that they will flock to get them. As soon as they take a bite they will probably ask, 'Who's birthday is it?'..."
First of all, it's whose birthday, you illiterate, self-righteous fuck-'tards.
"Then you answer. 'It's no ones birthday. These cupcakes represent the 50,000,000 children who weren't allowed to be born, who never had a birthday'."
Awesome. Just awesome. And I mean "awesome" in the classic, literary sense, not in the 80's-modified, mutant-turtle, extreme-sports sort of sense.
Make no mistake...Anyone trying to pull that shit around me would find themselves subject to knee-jerk street justice. Anyone so miserable, sanctimonious and deluded as to plan the night before to bring cupcakes to a function, only so they could USE those cupcakes as a fucking anti-choice POLITICAL TOOL?!? A shirt-front full of smeared frosting from a violently-upset tray would be where I'd START.
It just figures, though. It would TAKE a short-sighted, born-again myth-humping mongoloid to think that pulling a stunt like that would not only not get them A) fired, B) assaulted or C) ostracized from their social circle, but to ALSO assume this would change the mind of anyone who didn't already agree with them. Hell, I'd be hard-pressed to think that even those who DID would appreciate the gesture!
Please let someone pull this on me. PLEASE. I will be as ready with my "Cupcaker" Action Plan as I CURRENTLY am with the Teabagger, Religious Door-Knocker and Aggressive Mall Hawker versions.
How come I don't get 50,000,000 cupcakes then?
Also, how much demonic power can I expect to get from the unborn souls represented by these cupcakes?
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