At the end of the day, the Diary of Fools sees ourselves as an educational tool. The power of the internet to educate is unparalleled, and we want to use that power for the betterment of upcoming generations.
So, in an attempt to reach out to the scholastic community, today's "This Day in History" installment has been guest-written by Spencer Melman, an eighth-grader from Roosevelt Junior High in Johnsburg, Colorado. We supplied him with the day's events, and let him "fill in the blanks" using the tools and skills he's been taught by the American Public School system. I trust you'll all make him feel very welcome.
Take it away, Spencer!
1732: George Washington, first President of the United States, was born in the Virginia Colony.
ok i remeber him then he choped down like a penut tree with i thnk his woodin teeth or something exept then he dident lie bout it and then he inventted penut butter then after that
geoarge washington is dead now and he is on are money
1865: The state of Tennessee adopts a new constitution abolishing slavery.
dood slavory was totaly mest up i can't beleve white ppl pwnd black ppl and made em pick cotin and stuff why dident they just say NO and run away?? i bet they'd be fast like the fastst kid at my scool his nameis damian mitchell and hes black and he runs like really fast he set a recerd for track at scool
1987: Pop artist Andy Warhol dies at age 58.
ok i neveer herd o that gu b4 wat do U mean a POP artist liek what he dezined soda flavers or some thing LOL is he the d00d who desided that doctor peper has prunes in it? its totaly true bobby maggiano told me that a kid at his old scool DIED cuz he wouldent drink any thing but docter peper and then he pooped hmself to deth and thats why i don't ever drink that crap
wait can i say crap ???
crap crap fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckCFUCK ASSASS@$$@$$@$$ bghrtw i56 7ºyjny8oi79ut bbbbbbbbllbbbbbbbb!!!!!1111111 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAaaaa
ps hayley donely smelss liek brokoly fart
Holy pure f*cking genius.
Rat's off to ya'.
Spencer...dude can fucking write.
hey! i AM NOT an "educational tool"!! hmmpphh
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