Thursday, March 04, 2010

Fun with Curling

If you're like most Americans, you probably turned on the Olympics at some point during their run, and came across a sport involving two individuals vigorously sweeping the path of a kettle-shaped sphere. You also soon learned that this inane act was known as curling, but could not for the life of you figure out the significance of the name, nor any rhyme or reason to the actions. You are not alone.

But now the Olympics are over and none of that is important (read: curling was never important). What is important is how Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson of Aussie's Today Show used the Nintendo Wii to take curling to a whole new level of unintentional hilarity. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Merton Sussex said...

Every time I see footage like this, I'm amazed that some enterprising software company hasn't seen fit to exploit the Wii waggle controls to come out create borderline-bootleg porno-centric games for that console. Especially iven the amount of shovelware that's out there for the Wii already.

It ain't like there's not a track record for that kind of shit. Starting with the travesty-on-several-levels that was "Custer's Revenge," (and continuing with stuff like "Leisure-Suit Larry" and "BMX XXX") dick-hole digital pseudo-smut-peddlers have created a robust (if shameful) history of foisting utter-crap one-off novelty "games" on the unsuspecting buying public. Games that were thoroughly unremarkable save for the fact that they deliberately courted controversy by including a smattering of "adult" content (read: sex/nudity). And they do it purely for the empty shock value, all because certain people (*koff*JackThompson*koff*) insist upon seeing the whole of digital entertainment as just so muany toys intended for children. This, despite the fact that retail figures consistently show the largest video-game-buying demographic to be 18-to-35-year-olds.

That said, some developers still manage to get adult gaming right. And when I say "adult" gaming, I'm not referring to juvenile "naughty" content. I'm talking about games that present experiences with sophisticated themes, realistic language, carefully-considered consequences, difficult moral choices, and the sort of plot points it takes a more advanced intelligence to grasp completely. I just feel like a lot of games show real promise when it comes to presenting mature experiences to gamers who've grown up in parallel to the medium. "Heavy Rain" looks to be a moderately-paced, thoughtful narrative that really challenges the player to consider their actions, the "Mass Effect" series is shaping up to be relatively epic, and I'm STILL not tired of sandboxing around "Fallout 3."

As a gamer myself, I appreciate it when software companies make games for grownups. Because just throwing a bunch of tits into a game sort of achieves the opposite goal.