Sunday, March 14, 2010

Did I Eat That? - Kool-Aid Pickle Edition

As you may know, I consider myself a connoisseur of all foods obscure and odd. So when I accidentally came across a website mentioning Kool-Aid pickles I knew had to make a batch and try them out for myself. It easily satisfied three of the twenty "Did I Eat That?" criteria - Criteria #3 At first glance this food item immediately disturbs notions previously created by my taste buds, Criteria #7 Food item is Southern in origin, and last but not least Criteria #15 Food item combines two separately delightful flavors in a way I would never have imagined on my own.

So one doubly potent batch of Tropical Punch Kool-Aid and one container of B&G New York Style Deli Pickles combination (and roughly two weeks) later there I was, staring down the crimson cuke. And then, a few bites later, it was all gone. What happened in between was a sweet, sour, salty, spicy, fruity experience that pregnant woman all over the country would be sending their husbands to K-Mart for. I must admit, though I was excited to try this creation, I didn't think I'd actually like them. But gosh darnit I do and I'm not entirely sure why. I don't think my tongue would actively seek out this treat on its' own, once I crammed the punched-up pickle in my mouth it begrudgingly accepted and then totally caved and gave into complete enjoyment.

The Kool-Aid pickle gets a solid 3 Tongues Out of a possible 5 tongues. I don't think I'd go out of my way eat this again, but they were a treat worth trying.


Merton Sussex said...

Holy SHIT.

I'm sorry...There's just no way I could ever put that in my mouth. Mainly because it already grosses me out enough when my dog is that happy.

blaine_fridley said...

delighted and disturbed at the lengths you go to in order to entertain our readers.